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Volume 12, Issue 01: A New Chapter Begins

And just like that, a new chapter begins. And what better way to begin it than with gratitude.

I am grateful to be here, to have made it to the new year.

I am grateful to not have lost family and friends to COVID-19 and other threats.

I am grateful to have a good job to go back to this year.

I am grateful for an opportunity to start all over again, for new beginnings.

I am grateful for yet another opportunity to thrive and blossom.

I am grateful for an opportunity to right my wrongs, and to love people.

I am grateful for an opportunity to dream big again and to go after my goals.

I am grateful for yet another opportunity to learn new things, and to do things well and better.

I am grateful for an opportunity to enjoy life in Christ.

How exciting this time is. We get to start over, start a new chapter of our lives. We get to leave our past flops behind and forge a new beginning. Allow this start of a new year to be an opportunity to slow down, to dream a bit, and give yourself permission to be audacious to set goals that excite you and pull you forward.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 11, Issue 52: End The Year On A High Note

Whether we like it on not, 2021 has now come to an end. Whether we faired well or badly; whether we struggled or blossomed, it's time to bid 2021 farewell. It's time to part ways with the year that was.

This is not the time to beat ourselves up for what we failed to accomplish. Neither is it time to bask in the glory of our successes. This is the time to acknowledge our shortcomings, celebrate our successes and forge the way forward for the new year.

It is time to end the year on a high note. It's time to embrace our humanity and the frailty that comes with it. It's time to pat ourselves on the back for all the hard work we put in. It's time to thank God for extending us abounding grace to make it through the valley lows, the mountain tops and the plateaus.

Let's thank God for thus far we have come. Let's be grateful for making it through another COVID-19 pandemic year. Let's thank God for the jobs and businesses we didn't lose, and for the family and friends whose lives were spared alongside ours. Let's be grateful for the sustenance we experienced despite losing jobs and businesses struggling, and for the comfort we received for losing loved ones. It's time to celebrate the goodness of the Lord to us in 2021.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 11, Issue 51: Looking Back

2021 is quickly drawing to a close. Despite the challenges it had, part of us wants to hold on to it, while another part of us is happy to bid it farewell. I think coming to the end of a challenging season is often sweet. This is because however hard the time was, we made it through.

What do you see and feel when you look back at the ending year? How did we fair on our goals and intentions? It's time to look back and see where we made it and where we didn't, so we can make the necessary adjustments to do better in the new year.

How did we fair in our health and fitness goals? In our financial goals? In our relationship goals? In our spiritual development goals? In our career goals? In our intellectual and emotional development goals and so forth?

Looking back, what kind of mistakes did we make? Which mistakes did we repeat? What did we learn from our mistakes? How did we apply what we learnt? Did we change course or did we only regret but made no adjustments in our conduct?

Looking back, whose lives did we impact for the better? Who did we positively influence? Who did we help? Did we meet new people, make new friends? Did we break away from unbeneficial associations? Did we make the phone calls, pay the visits, give the gifts?

Looking back, did we go the extra mile or did the bear minimum in our goals, at work and relationships? Did we honor our commitments? Did we hold grudges or did we forgive offenses? Did we exhibit kindness and extend mercy? Did we represent Christ well? Did we walk in faith or in fear?

We can't move forward well without first looking back. Let's all take a moment to look back at how we faired in 2021. Write down the good and the bad. Pardon yourself for the bad. Then forge the way forward for the new year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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Volume 11, Issue 50: Lessons From 2021

One of the things we take for granted is the things we learn along the way and the lessons we learn from our mistakes. We often get bogged down by the mistakes we make and miss to pick the lessons that come from them.

Other than learning from our mistakes and other people's mistakes, we also learn a lot just from doing life, from the experiences we have, from reading, from the things we watch and listen to, and from observing other people.

Throughout the year, we learn what we like and don't like. We learn new things about ourselves. We learn what works and what doesn't work for us. We learn the good and the not so good things about ourselves.

Although we learn so much during the year, sometimes we fail to pause and reflect on the lessons and hence miss to benefit from them. As a consequence, we sometimes find ourselves making the same mistakes over and over again, just because we failed to absorb the lesson from the first time we made the mistake.

What's the biggest lesson you are taking from 2021? How are you going to apply it in the new year? Take a moment to reflect on this to better position yourself for more success in 2022.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 11, Issue 49: Pause...Reflect...Refresh

This thought caught my attention a few days before the 25th as I was preparing to close off things at work and begin my holiday break. I wanted to share it with you but my focus got taken over by the holidays. So here it is now.

Pause... Reflect... Refresh. 2021 was a rough year for many of us. Still, there is much to be grateful for even amid the challenges. As we close the year, I want to wish you a happy holiday season!

You deserve a pause... a moment to reflect and refresh. You deserve a hearty laugh among family and friends. You deserve a moment to celebrate all that you have accomplished this year.

As you pause to refresh and reflect, think of the biggest lessons you have learnt this year. Ponder over the mistakes you made and what you learnt from them. Also think about the hurdles you faced and surpassed and the many things you did right. Celebrate those and all the good breaks you had this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi