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Volume 13, Issue 04: You Can Do Hard Things

Earlier this morning I struggled to get through my workout. Working out has been a bit tough for me this week. I think it's because of being in a fasting and praying season that we do as a church at the start of the year. We started this Monday. I do the one meal a day version - I eat breakfast only, skip lunch and dinner and in-between snacks.

Being underfed is leaving me low on energy by morning. As such, working out is a hard thing for me at this time. But I am not willing to put on hold my early morning routines for twenty one days. So, as I struggled with my workout this morning, these words came to mind and I spoke them out loud. "I can do hard things."

It's not unusual to find yourself struggling to keep up the pace a couple of days into a new year. As motivation for going after your goals wanes, you can find yourself slacking, and excusing yourself on the grounds that you have the whole year ahead of you to show up for your goals.

If that is your situation, flee that temptation to take it easy. Because if you give in to it, that will become the norm for you. You will be establishing a new habit, a new identity that is contrary to what you are after.

You can do hard things. Start by just showing up. Then get on with the motions. Then push yourself to go all the way. The last week of last year and the first week of this new year, I gave myself permission to take it easy with workouts. I did light and short workouts. But I couldn't get comfortable in that mode beyond that time frame. I had to get back to doing full and taxing workouts.

What are you finding hard to do at this point of the new year? What do you need to get back to full speed on? Whatever it is, just show up and do it, however hard. Before you know, you will find doing it getting easier. So, don't be intimidated by the actions you need to take to achieve growth this year. You can do hard things.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 13, Issue 03: Enjoy Yourself

One of the prayers I like making every morning is that "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I will enjoy myself. I will enjoy my husband. I will enjoy my children. I will enjoy my food. I will enjoy my work. I will enjoy my walk and workout. I will enjoy home making. My cheerful heart will fill my day with song."

We have already decided to go all in, in pursuit of our goals this year. Why not do so with gladness of heart? We can be achievers who don't enjoy life. I think that is just sad. We are always getting things done, going the extra mile. We deserve to enjoy ourselves.

Enjoying life isn't automatic. We have to purposefully choose joy every day the same way we choose to go after our goals. And God commands us to enjoy ourselves. The Bible says, "Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16-18‬ ‭MSG‬‬.

So don't be all serious or take yourself too seriously as you go about pursuing growth this year. Be joyful and glad. Purpose to find joy in the mundanity of your daily activities. Make room for the things that gladden your heart and put a smile on your face. Pamper yourself every now and then. You certainly deserve it after all the hard work you do. Be a cheerful go-getter this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 13, Issue 02: A Good Start

Now that we have had a chance to conduct an assessment of how we faired last year, it's time to highlight a few things that will guide our focus this year. Having reflected on the goals you pursued last year and how you performed on each of them, how do you want to proceed?

What conclusions did you make from your end of year review? Out of the goals you pursued last year, which ones do you want to continue pursuing for deeper growth? Which ones did your review reveal you had no business pursuing in the first place and should drop off your list this year?

Which pursuits gave you the most pleasure and sense of fulfillment? Which ones did you find pursuing drudgery? Do you want to keep pursuing the latter? Are they worth pursuing? What will be better in your life if you kept going after them?

Of the things you did last year, what do you want to do more of this year? What things do you want to do better this year? What areas do you want to push yourself to achieve greater results in this year? Which undertakings are worth investing more of yourself in this year?

Out of the things that featured on your to-do lists last year, which ones do you want to stop doing? Which tasks should find their way in your not-to-do list this year? Determine which tasks you should stop doing all together, which ones you should do differently, which ones you should postpone doing and which ones you should delegate.

Lastly, what new things do you want to start doing this year? What new goals do you want to go after this year? What new areas do you want to grow in this year? What new things do you want to start doing to prepare for new opportunities in the future?

Doing the above exercise will help us narrow down our pursuits for this year and set us on paths we will be delighted to be on. Let's do it and have a good start of 2023.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 13, Issue 01: Getting Ready For 2023

Happy New Year! Ready on not, the new year is here. If you are anything like me, you haven't finished your end of year review 2022. Not to worry. Carry on with the process this week and wrap it up with a gratitude list.

I would not want to settle into the new year before deeply reflecting on what I am grateful for, for the ended year. I believe gratitude is a platform for walking in more and greater success.

Practice daily gratitude. At the end of each day before going to bed, look back at your day and note down the things you are grateful for. Also pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments for the day. And plan for the next day's success.

In your end of year review, you have noted your accomplishments for 2022 as well as your flops. As you start 2023, don't be tempted to bask in the successes of 2022. You have got to go after more success in 2023.

Don't rush to set new year resolutions. Go for growth instead. Set growth goals for yourself. Think of the actions you can take to go further than you did last year. How can you stretch yourself to accomplish more this year? What can you do more of? What can you do better in 2023?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



Volume 12, Issue 42: Takeaways From 2022

As we continue to reflect and ponder over the year that has been this week, one of the things that come to mind for me is to pause and reflect on what I am taking away from this year.

A lot went down in the last twelve months. Our lives were full of action. Some of our activities yielded good fruit, others bad fruit. Some things made us feel good while others left us in the trenches. We had people love us, while others hurt us. We loved and gave to people. Other times we held back love or gifts and regretted doing so.

We pursed our goals and achieved some, or a great deal, or we let ourselves down. We made mistakes, some of which we had the courage and wisdom to correct, others we regret not making right. We said the right things, but we also hurt people with our words, or lack thereof.

Did we enjoy ourselves in 2022? Did we live life to the full? Did we give our all to our endeavors? Did we love people well, the ones God put on our path? Did we make good choices? Did we take good care of ourselves? How did we fair?

As we reflect on these questions and possibly more, let's note down our key takeaways from 2022. Here are some of the questions I am asking myself. "What is the wisdom I am taking away from this year?" What are the lessons I have learnt from my experiences this year that I can take into the new year for a better, stronger and wiser version of myself?"


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi