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Volume 02, Issue 28: Service and Fulfillment Go Together

Service is not supposed to be something we dread. When we serve in the field of our passions, we look forward to serving.

Many people belong to the school of thought that service has to be a sacrifice; that you don’t have to love or enjoy what you do, just get it done. I believe there is a place for sacrificing for others, but we cannot sustain service that does not align with our self-interest.

We serve best in the area that brings us the most joy and satisfaction. Service fulfills when we match our strengths to the place of service.

God did not give us specific gifts just so we can ignore them and do whatever is thrown at us, or what seems lucrative. We should embrace our gifts and give our best service in the areas that we are best suited.

So many people hate their jobs. Tons of people spend their days doing what they loathe. However, work and service do not have to be dreadful chores that we have to endure. If only we aligned our strengths and passions with our preoccupations. We can choose to pursue careers that are in line with our interests and gifting.

Work and fun do not have to be mutually exclusive. We can blur the dividing line of work and pleasure by looking for opportunities to do what we do best every day. We can find pleasure in service.

Meet a need by serving where you are strongest. Your greatest contribution in life will come from your strength zone.

Lillian Chebosi


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