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Volume 02, Issue 29: Polish Your Gifts

Each of us is talented in one way or another. But talent is not enough. To stand shoulders above the masses, we must sharpen our natural talent endowments to limits of outstanding excellence. It is when we do so that our gifts make room for us and bring us before great men.

A lighthouse does not go looking for ships. It is the ships that look for the lighthouse. As you shine your light, those who need your services will find you just like that.

You and your gift are like a lighthouse. The people having the needs that you offer a solution for will see your light and come to you. When you position yourself and sharpen your skills, you will naturally attract those who need your craft.

David was a talented harp player, a brave warrior, and a fine-looking young man with good judgment. As a boy, he would be out in the field looking after his father’s sheep, having his harp with him, taking time to practice his craft.

David did not go to King Saul to ask if he could be of service to him. The King’s men went out to look for him. He stood out because of his polished talent. His gift was just what the King needed at the time.

Your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men. Because of his gift, David was elevated from being a shepherd of a few sheep to serving before the King. King Saul was very pleased with David and promoted him. He became the King’s armor bearer, and was later appointed Commander of the King’s army.

Just the other week, my office sought the services of one of our local poets, Ms Caroline Nderitu, to perform at the launch of one of our programs at the Coast. She had never advertised herself to us, she probably had no idea that we existed. Her polished gift drew us to her, and the rest is history.

Don’t ignore your gifts. Devote yourself to learn all you can in the area of your brilliance and expertise. When you work on your craft, polish and hone it to perfection, the brighter it will shine and be seen much further by many people.

It is your gift that will move you from serving ordinary men, to serve before great men; men happy to pay you whatever you ask for it. It does not matter what you are good at. What matters is your discipline to exercise your God-given talent and strive to be the best at it by diligently working on it over and over again.

Lillian Chebosi


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