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Volume 02, Issue 31: Touching the Heart of God

David desired to build a house for God. Having comfortably settled in Jerusalem, he reckoned that it was God’s help that had made him great. He said, “I am living in a beautiful cedar palace, but the ark of God is out there in a tent!”

This touched the heart of God in a big way. His response to David was heart rending. “Are you the one to build a house for me to live in?” All the other leaders of Israel before David had never thought of building a house for God. ”I took you from tending sheep in the pasture and selected you to be the leader of my people Israel. I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have destroyed all your enemies before your eyes.”

In His response to David’s desire to build him a house, God touched David’s heart in return. He promised to make a house for David – a dynasty of Kings! That David’s kingdom would continue for all time, and his throne will be secure forever.

David was deeply touched by this response, and responded by worship. “Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And now, Sovereign Lord, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! Do you deal with anyone else this way, O Sovereign Lord? What can I say to you? How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There’s none like you.”

That wasn’t all. God also promised to make David’s name as famous as anyone who had ever lived on earth! And give him rest from all his enemies.

David wasn’t the only beneficiary of this exchange. Because of David’s noble intention, God also promised to provide a homeland for his people Israel – to establish them in a secure place where they would never be disturbed, and that evil nations would not oppress them as they had done in the past. Surely David touched His heart big time.

In what ways can we touch God’s heart?

David fulfilled God’s purposes in his generation. How are we to live our lives, so that when it’s all over, it will be said of us that we fulfilled God’s purposes in our generation? Living life on purpose is a good place to start. Make it your goal to live your life in such a way that when you are gone, it would be said that you fulfilled God’s purposes in your generation.

Lillian Chebosi


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