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Volume 02, Issue 34: Personal Makeover III: Image

For most opportunities in life, you have only one shot to get the attention of the people with the power to promote you. You’ve got to be ready for the camera when the lights go on. When opportunity meets preparation, things happen - doors open, favour is released, a promotion is extended to you, a proposal is made to you – if you know how to dress the part.

Some of us don’t place much emphasis to our physical appearance. How you look, in terms of the attire and accessories you present yourself in before people in a position to advance your standing in life matters. People look at what is obvious to the eye. Your exterior should complement the genius you present to the table. The first impression people get of you may determine whether or not they extend to you the opportunity you are qualified for.

What we wear says a lot about us. What is the image you would like to leave behind? Present that image going in. Most of us dress outstandingly once in a while, maybe twice in a week, then for the rest of the week, anything goes. If this is your style, it’s confusing. Decide what your style is and customize your wardrobe accordingly, so that whichever day of the week it is, you are presenting the same polished look.

Most of us wear clothes that don’t flatter our form. Invest in an image consultant to help you determine what shapes work best for your body type and size; the fabric, and the colour shades that match you skin tone. This insight goes a long way in boosting your confidence in your image.

Dress in a way that causes others to look twice, though nothing you are wearing should be screaming for attention. What counts is the colour, the fabric, and the fit. Well-fitting garments – neither tight nor loose, always look better. Avoid trendy pieces and cheap imitations. Keep it real and classic. Classic cuts stand the test of time. They are never out of style and always look good.

This type of dressing can be achieved at any price point. Wherever you shop, the same high-level look can be achieved. It’s simply a matter of taste and some discerning choices about fabric and cut.

We see ladies who insist on wearing high heels that they cannot walk in. Buy shoes that don’t throw your posture out of line and you can walk gracefully in. Some of us are flat-footed. Pick shoes that complement your line of legs.

Don’t ignore the little things that complete your toilette – a good manicure and pedicure, and finished brows. If you wear makeup, stick with a classic, natural look. Take care in matching skin tones and find one that looks natural. Makeup should be an enhancer, not a mask.

Find the look that’s great for you and stick with it - classic, simple and contemporary, while always exhibiting a high-level look. Always dress from your head to your toes as if you are one complete picture. Everything should work in harmony to put you in the best light.

Treat your clothing and accessories as investments - investments in your image. Keep a fine wardrobe. It shouldn’t matter the occasion, you can maintain the same high level look with formal, smart casual, or casual wear.

Lillian Chebosi


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