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Volume 02, Issue 41: Redeem the Time

Time is what life is made of. Do you find that you don’t have enough time to live your best life now? We make excuses for not having the time to do the things that are important to us. Consider making a list of the things you would love do to on a regular basis but don’t get to do due to “lack of time”.

How is it that some people have time to do so much than most? One of the wisest things we can do is to live on purpose. Purposeful living enables us to be intentional with how we spend our time. It structures and focuses our lives to only what matters.

Everyone in the universe has the same quantity of time. With no exception, we all get twenty-four hours per day. What we do with those twenty-four hours determines what we accomplish in our lifetime.

We must learn the art of ordering our day. We must take into account each day and not squander the time that we have. It helps to note down what you want to accomplish, and list the specific tasks you will do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, to get you to your desired end. Without a plan, we leave ourselves to doing everything but not achieving much.

We live in an age of tremendous time-saving mechanisms. Tons of time is saved with modern conveniences such as instant coffees and microwaves. Despite these, we also have major time-depleters such as the television and the internet. There are people who sit for long hours in the night in a night club chatting and drinking; others before the television set surfing channel after channel, just because they are too tired to go to bed!

The only time we have is the time we make use of. We reap what we sow. If you want to get ahead in life, learn to make use of the time that others squander. What are the things that are stealing your time? What draws from your time that doesn’t yield much return? To make optimal use of your time, identify your time stealers and deal with them.

As with any financial investment, ask yourself what kind of return your time investments are yielding. Time spent is a cost – be mindful of the benefit you are exchanging for the cost you are incurring.

Redeem the time and make the most of every opportunity. In addition to being very intentional about what we spend time on, we must also learn to prioritize our time. Planning our time makes us efficient, but it is prioritizing that makes us effective.

Lillian Chebosi


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