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Volume 03, Issue 01: Looking Back at 2012 with Gratitude

The last couple of months have been the busiest times I have ever known. It got to a point when I almost gave in to discouragement for what was becoming of 2012 for me. But now as I look back, I see that 2012 was a great year. Everything did not go as I planned it, but I am grateful for the surprises.

I choose gratitude as I look back at 2012. A ton of things went exceptionally well. The surprises stretched me, and I experienced exponential learning and growth. I am grateful for the successes, for the good times, for the blessings of a wonderful family that made my life beautiful, for dear friends who held me up and coloured my life, for the time to do the things I love to do, and for the works of my life.

What is your evaluation for 2012? If you are like me, you did not accomplish all your goals. You probably experienced some disappointments here and there, some setbacks, holdups, delays, frustrations, and even losses. Nonetheless, you must have something to be grateful about 2012. If you haven’t done so already, take time to look back and make a list of the things you are grateful for in the last twelve months.

Don’t let 2012 pass-by just like that. Reflect on your experiences and marvel at how blessed you were. Take time to reflect over your goals for 2012, one by one, and grade yourself. You will be surprised by how well you did.

Start with the things you purposed to continue doing and see how you faired. Then move on to the things you purposed to start doing, and then to the things you purposed to stop doing. Evaluate your 2012 before you can courageously embrace 2013 with renewed hope for even greater things.

Choose to be grateful as you look back at the last twelve months of your life. Keep record of your achievements and take note of the areas you need to do more work on, even as you come up with new goals for the new year.  It was a good year – 2012.

Lillian Chebosi


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