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Volume 03, Issue 02: Embracing 2013 with Hope for Great Things

2013 is going to be a great year. I don’t see why it shouldn’t. This year offers us yet another opportunity to live out our purpose, maximize our potential, and move closer to realizing our greatness.

I am excited. Just like any other new year, 2013 is here to afford us yet another chance to reach our goals, improve our productivity, finances, health, grow deeper in our faith, and be the best that we can be in our professions, relationships, ministries, businesses, and other occupations.  I am choosing to live my best days in 2013.

Choose to speak the best of this year. Think, confess, and do great things. Reach out for new cycles of victory, success, and prosperity. See yourself gaining new territories in 2013; new emotional territory, new intellectual territory, new business territory, new spiritual territory, new ministerial territory, and new financial territory.

As usual, unwelcome circumstances will come up. Purpose not to let the elements of your days dictate your destiny, rather choose to take control of them and direct their course to a greater end. Choose to have a great year - 2013.

Lillian Chebosi




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