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Volume 03, Issue 05: Stay the Course

We know what we want. We have visualized it in our minds so often it almost feels like it’s our reality. But when we get off fantasy land, we realize that we are not there yet, not even close.

We try to keep the faith. But sometimes it seems too hard, and we consider throwing in the towel. We begin to wonder whether we heard right, dreamt right.

You know you deserve it. You have earned it, but after a long ride, you have realized that nobody will hand it to you. You must take it.

How do we take it?

First, in our minds. We must think, talk and act as though we already got it. Align your thoughts to your words and actions.

Prophet Samuel of the Bible poured anointing oil over David’s head to signify he would be the next king of Israel. What stands out in this scenario is that Samuel did not bring David a crown, but simply anointed him with oil.

It was several years later before David actually wore that crown, but from the moment he was anointed, he was already king in God’s eyes. Good things began to happen to him almost immediately, because he started looking at his world as a king rather than a boy who looked after a few sheep. Even as he overcame the lion and the bear, he knew he would overcome giants. This explains the confidence he had in approaching huge goliath who the entire army of Israel was shrinking away from.

David’s journey to the throne was anything but easy. The presiding king, Saul did not hand him over the kingship. In fact, Saul did the reverse, he did everything he could, including a couple of murder attempts to make sure David did not become king.

David deserved to be king. He earned the right to be king. While Saul was on the throne, David won more battles than Saul did, but kingship remained elusive.

But David did not give up, or settle for chief army commander’s position in the king’s service. He travailed for what God had promised him.

Like David, hang in there; keep the faith and the fight. Stay the course of your dream and believe that in the fullness of time, it shall come to pass. Continually visualize your dream, don’t let it out of your mind. Moreover, think and carry yourself as though you are already living your dream. This will get you used to being there, and after a while, you won’t be comfortable to settle for anything less.

Don’t expect a walk in the park. Just as David took authority and overcame everything that threatened his ascent to the throne, you must take authority and surmount everything that threatens your ascent to the realm of your dreams.

Lillian Chebosi


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