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Volume 03, Issue 06: Focusing on the Target

Focus is very fundamental when it comes to staying the course. There are tons of distractions on the journey to greatness. We are faced with disparaging circumstances that have the potential to divert our attention from what we are after.

Dwell on where you want to be, not where you are. Keep your focus on your future desires, not your present circumstances. You start off your day on a good note, with high expectations of having a great day. But in the course of the day, you receive some negative news, or someone in your path irritates you. Most of us allow such distractions to rearrange our focus from the great day we intend to have. As a result, a day that started so well and with high prospects turns sour and ends dismally.

This is exactly what happens to our dreams when we focus on the varied daunting circumstances that come our way. Very often we preoccupy our minds with discouragements, disappointments, denials, delays, and setbacks that we face on the way to greatness.

Despite what is happening around you, focus on the positive. Train your mind to think on what is good and perfect. Focus on the fine things that you are expecting to experience. Learn to live over your circumstances, and determine not to allow distractions keep you from reaching your desired end.

Whatever your predominant focus is, that is what you permit to exist in your life. If you want to go places, don’t focus on things or circumstances that are smaller than what you are hoping for. Your focus will either propel to greatness, or keep you in your not so desirable present status.

Focusing on better things is not just a great idea but a God idea. Before Abraham got the land and child, God trained him to focus on bigger thoughts. God told him to look at the territory he was giving him, walk the land in every direction, and visualize the expanse of his legacy; and that his descendants would be as numerous as the sand in the sea.

Set your eyes on where you are going, not where you are. Come in agreement with God’s promises for your future, and it shall come to pass.

Lillian Chebosi


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