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Volume 03, Issue 09: Keep Growing

We have already seen that the key to realizing our latent potential is to read and educate ourselves. We have treasure on the inside. But it will not automatically come out. It has to be developed.

What we have become so far is not all there is. There are plenty of opportunities to improve. We have no excuse remain at the same level we were last year. We owe it to ourselves to develop what God put in us.

Whatever you do, get better at it. Sharpen your skill. Don’t settle where you are. Stir up what is within you and get better at it. It may look like nobody is noticing and promoting you; nonetheless, do your part to develop what God has put in you, for your opportunities await your preparedness.

We must take steps to grow. David practiced sling shots and playing the harp while taking care of sheep. Like others in his position, he could have just hanged around waiting on sheep, but he practiced his skills. We complain about not having time to do what we love but that is far from the truth.

When God needed someone to slay a giant, and lead his chosen people, he chose who was prepared, David. When King Saul needed a gifted musician to entertain and soothe him, he chose who was prepared, David. What become of the other young boys in David’s village who take care of sheep like David? There’s nothing written about them. Will we be remembered long after we are gone?

God looks for people who have developed their skills. Whatever skill you have, it has to be developed before it can open doors for you. The Bible promises that your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men; and that one who is skilled in his craft will serve kings, not ordinary men. Clearly this is true as we have seen in the case of David. He did not only serve the King, but he succeeded the King. What is keeping us from sharpening our abilities?

We were created for increase. Don’t get comfortable where you are. There’s so much more that you can do. Take classes to improve your skills. Take your abilities a notch higher. Have a personal growth plan. Have good mentors, people who know more than you, people that have gone where you want to go. Let them speak into your life, and learn from their mistakes.

What steps are you taking to better yourself to go to the next level? We must have an attitude to continue learning, to keep growing. God has destined us to soar.

Lillian Chebosi


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