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Volume 03, Issue 10: Redeem the Time

We are living in busy times. We complain about not having the time to do what we love to do, what we should do, and the things that will count for eternity. We have busy schedules. Most of us are at work from 8 to 5, and in traffic for 2 to 3 hours a day. What time do we have to develop ourselves, sharpen our skills, exercise, parent our children, and build up others? David could have said the same thing while he was taking care of sheep. But he redeemed the time and sharpened his skills, and he made history.

There are lots of pockets of time that we can take advantage of in the course of the day. But we squander time on things and people that don’t build us. Don’t waste your valuable time hanging around people that are not adding anything to your life. Hang around people that inspire and challenge you. Sometimes we do this when we read great books. It matters who you associate with.

Time is what life is made of. If you love life, you will not squander time. The scripture says to redeem the time. We need to see time as a gift. God has destined us for great things. But until we redeem the time, we will not attain our full potential. Now is the time to get prepared.

We must learn the art of ordering our day. We must take into account each day and not squander the time we have. Make use of the pockets of time you have in the course of your working day to pray, exercise, read, and sharpen your skills. Rather than chitchatting for a full hour at lunch time as you eat leisurely every other day, have lunch for 15 minutes and use the remaining 45 minutes to read, or exercise, or pray. Read a book as you wait on queue at the hospital, or the bank, or the salon. Read a book, or listen to a tape as you drive or ride on the bus. Memorize and meditate on scripture as you jog.  There’s plenty of time to do it all. Let us redeem the time and make the most of every opportunity.

Lillian Chebosi


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