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Volume 03, Issue 11: Keep Walking

In the race of life you will not be measured by the humbleness of your start, but by the greatness of your finish – Paul Tergat, Kenya’s former great athlete. He talks of how his marathon in life was a hard one, second place after second place, before he finally hit gold.

Kipchoge Keino, one of the greatest athletes in his time did not only succeed on the track, he also motivated many young athletes after him to achieve standards in sports which might have been regarded as impossible until he paved the way. Kipchoge’s success not only put Kenya on the international athletic map, it also inspired many of the country’s long distance runners and launched its decades-old dominance of long distance running.

Just like Paul Tergat, Kipchoge has a story to tell of how hard it was for him at the beginning and the hurdles he passed as he pushed himself to greatness. Regardless of how dismal his start might have been, what we remember him for is the grandness of his finish.

Do not be intimidated by your modest beginnings. Keep sharpening your skills where you are and you will rise to the top. God will cause you to be noticed. Joseph sharpened his skills while he was a slave and they were noticed in prison, and he wound up a prime minister in a foreign land.

Aim for excellence. Paul Tergat did not settle for second place. He kept striving until he made it to the top. Stir up what God has deposited within you and reach for the stars.

Be diligent at whatever you do. Joseph was only a slave, he wasn’t being paid for his work, but he still did his best. We are being paid for our work yet we border on mediocrity. We do the bare minimum just to get by and stay on the payroll. The day we realize that we are not working for men but for God is the day we shall get over the bug of mediocrity.

The expression of your talent may not look like it will amount to anything grand, but keep walking. Keep doing what you know to do best, refining it day by day. Only you can determine what becomes of your dream, and how it will look like at the finish line.

Lillian Chebosi


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