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Volume 2, Issue 12: Begin with the end in mind

Success is about forming habits that keep you on course. We get to choose how to live, what we want out of life. We can live better lives if we acquire the habits that support it.

The actions that we take over and over again become habits over time. Research has shown that it takes about 30 days to develop a new habit. By then the daily routine becomes a habit.

As once said by Aristotle, we get what we repeatedly do. Therefore, we get what we want by regularly practicing for it until it becomes a habit. Whatever you desire; health, wealth, happiness, love, acquire and practice the habits that will create it for you.

Habit is the servant of great men and women; the servant of failures as well. It will push you onward or drag you to failure. Successful people employ healthy habits to propel them on the road of continuous improvement. Failures take bad habits for granted and find themselves incarcerated by them, leading to despair and disdain.

We make our habits, and then our habits make or break us. Habits are either the best servants or the worst enemies. Be easy with habit and you will live to regret it. Be firm with habit and it will get you ahead of the average person.

Habits require time, consistency, patience and determination to acquire and refine. As you acquire new habits, get rid of the old ones that do not serve you.

If you desire to live a long fulfilled life, full of health and vitality, embark on habits that promote that - daily routines of exercise and healthy eating, making a point to rest after periods of hard work.

If you desire wealth, painstakingly apply the habits of generating wealth – saving, investing, and living below your means.

There are no short-cuts in life. Whatever you desire, consistently apply the habits that will create it for you. If we want to change where we end up, we must begin with the end in mind and get on with the habit.

Lillian Chebosi




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