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Volume 03, Issue 14: Count your Blessings

As I enjoy the slowness that comes with the holiday season towards the end of the year, my mind is free to roam through the happenings of the year that is soon drawing to a close. Not everything turned out just the way I anticipated, but I can’t help to recount all the many things that were really good.

Reviewing my goals for the year confirms what I already knew. A few of the things I committed to do, or achieve, did not go so well, in fact, two or more were a complete flop! For one, I wasn’t able to write nearly as much as I did in the past years. But what I appreciate is that my life was changing. My failure in some areas was as a result of shifted focus that resulted in an overall successful year. You will find that to be true for you too, unless you were plain mediocre.

Think of all the things that you did well. Celebrate your achievements in the year, you deserve it. Despite the obstacles along the way, you pushed through, worked hard, made sacrifices, and excelled.

Plenty of things went well, but it wasn’t all your doing. Lots of good things happened in your life that had nothing to do with your effort. The sheer favour and goodness of God and people brought about a lot of good in your life. You had love in your life, you learnt new things, you got the promotion you desired, you finished the project that seemed impossible at first, your strained relationships were mended, while average ones soared, your needs were met with an abundance, you enjoyed good health, your children brought you joy, you got to stay in a beautiful home, good breaks came your way, and you got out of all the trouble that came your way.

Keep track of the good things in your life. You may not be all that optimistic generally, but by focusing on the good things in your life, you can muster up enough strength to hope. I know it may be hard to imagine that any of the good things I listed above happened to you, but that’s only because of where your focus is. Actively seek to see the positive in your life and you will be surprised at how beautiful it is.

Take note of what’s right in your life, better still, magnify even the little good things in your life, and see if things don’t change for the better.

Lillian Chebosi




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