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Volume 04, Issue 01: Not Afraid to Stand Out

It’s easy to blend in, flow with the crowd. But there is nothing special about that, is there? I was recently impressed by a study of the story of Joshua in the Bible. This study revealed that Joshua was a man of distinction. He was distinct in specific ways that challenges me to up my game.

Joshua was distinct in his commitment.

As Moses’ personal aid, Joshua fought both physical and spiritual battles for his master. He wasn’t just a mighty warrior on the battle field; he was also on the spiritual front line for and with Moses. It is recorded that Joshua went up on the mountain with Moses. He also remained in the tent of meeting interceding for Moses while the Lord spoke with Moses face to face. (Exodus 32 & 33)

In serving Moses, Joshua was a faithful committed servant in the house of the Lord. He could be relied upon, counted on to be there.

In what way do you stand out in the things and people you are committed to? How reliable are you to those who count on you? How firm are you in your beliefs and values? How committed are we to living out the life we prescribe to?

Joshua was distinct in courage.

Joshua was among the 12 sent to explore the Promised Land. Ten out of the twelve brought a negative report that discouraged the multitude. But Joshua and Caleb were of a different spirit. Unlike the ten who were gravely intimidated by the enemy, Joshua and Caleb encouraged the multitude not to be afraid. They believed they could swallow up the enemy since they had the Lord on their side.

The easiest thing to do here would have been to side with the 10. The actually risked their lives by taking a different stand from the majority. But Joshua and Caleb dared to stand out. (Numbers 13)

Joshua demonstrated that he was not afraid to stand out from the rest.

This reminds me of the movie “Courageous”. Men of courage, women of courage, stand out to be counted. Do the right thing even when everyone else thinks it’s no big deal. Don’t just blend in quietly. Stand out and make a difference in the society.

Joshua was a man of distinct conviction.

Towards the end of his life, Joshua realized that the matter of worship had to be settled. He called out to the children of Israel to choose whom they were going to serve, declaring that as for him and his house, they would serve the Lord.

Joshua once again shows that he is not a man who goes by the crowd. It didn’t matter what the rest of the people were going to chose, he made up his mind to follow the Lord. (Joshua 24:14-28)

Consider the areas you need to make up your mind about. Is it worship – your devotional life? Is it raising your children – training them in the way they should go? Is it being faithful and doing your best at work? Is it concerning your physical, mental, or emotional well being? Whatever it is, choose to be like Joshua and stand out in your convictions.

Where are the Joshua’s of our time? I beckon us to choose to stand out. Stand out in our commitments, stand out in courage, and stand out in our convictions. Let’s stand out and make a difference.

Lillian Chebosi


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