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Volume 05, Issue 02: Connect with your Passion

Today I got to do something I love to do. I facilitated a crash program of parenting course that took about 6 hours to complete. I was still full of energy and zest at the end of the last session. I could go on and on. It was an amazing time.

As a parenting coach, I get to facilitate a parenting class almost every other week but every time I do, it feels so great. This is one of the few things that when I do I want the day to last longer.

Connect with your passion. There are specific things that each of us was created to do. We are wired to love certain things. But how many people get to do what they love? We stay in occupations we don’t feel anything for. Sometimes a whole year can pass before we get an opportunity to get our juices flowing, to do what we really love. That’s not the way to live.

What is the one thing that you can do even if you were not paid for it? What is the one thing you lose sense of time doing, become wholly absorbed in? What is the one thing that gets your juices flowing? What gives you fulfillment?

If you had all the money in the world, and had all the time and all other resources, what is the one thing that you would do? Figure out what you are passionate about and learn to do it so well, that people will offer to pay you for it.

It is worth finding out what your passions are, because when you do, and begin to get opportunities to do them, that’s when you begin living. Choose to live a fulfilling life, a life you love and feel great about.

Pursue the positive desires of your heart. Passion excites and drives us. Purpose in life is about unveiling what we passionately love. When you are doing what you love to do, no one, and no form of reward or applause has to motivate you to do it. You do it out of sheer enjoyment.

What makes you come alive? What are you most passionate about? Figure out what you love do, what God gave you a passion for. Serve in ways that best expresses your heart.

Lillian Chebosi


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