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Volume 05, Issue 09 Get Over It

So they denied you your well deserved promotion. Get over it. She cheated on you. Get over it. He broke up with you, dumped you for your best friend. Get over it. You lost the investment, the business deal flopped big time, drowning your life’s savings. Get over it. They stole your business idea. Get over it. The doctor said you got cancer. Get over it.

Life may not fair, but nobody owes you anything. You did not get short-changed. You can get past the disappointment and frustration and still make it to your desired end.

You can be pitiful or powerful. But you can never be both. As you face setbacks on your journey, remind yourself that you are game. You are equipped, anointed, and empowered.

Your story ends in victory. God has already arranged a come-back for every set back, a vindication for every accusation, a new beginning for every hurt. No matter how tough the going gets, dig in your feet and fight the good fight of faith.

The storms will come, but determine to not be defeated. You may go through the fire, but purpose to come out stronger. For the forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you.

Job faced tremendous trials, but he came out with twice as much as he had before. When you get over it, you position yourself for double. Don’t be pitiful when you can be powerful.

Nothing in life has happened to you, it has happened for you. It’s not going to keep you from your destiny; it will thrust you into it. You are not defined by your past; by what happened. You are prepared by it.

Lillian Chebosi


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