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Volume 05, Issue 12: Amazing Results

A story is told of Simon and his colleagues who were out fishing one night but caught no fish. Jesus comes over in the morning and asks Simon to move in to the deep and let down his net, to which Simon politely objects given his knowledge and experience as a fisherman.

Jesus directed Simon to fish in the same lake he had labored without results all night. Though he first objected, Simon yielded to Jesus’ direction. But as he cast down his net, Simon didn’t expect anything spectacular.

What have you labored on in 2015 without results? It is one thing to try to solve a problem in your own knowledge and ability; it is another thing to go by God’s direction. God’s way may not make sense, but follow it because He said so and see what happens.

When Simon yielded to Jesus’ direction, he caught so much fish his boat could not hold the bounty. Talk of amazing results!

Sometimes it is our past success or failure that could be preventing us from achieving phenomenon results in new endeavours. There’s a difference between using your experience to fish and following Jesus’ direction to fish. Ask for his direction in the affairs of your life, and be patient for his response.

There’s man’s way of doing things and then there’s God’s way of doing things. There’s man’s way of pursuing academics and there’s God’s way of pursuing academics. There’s man’s way of being an engineer and there’s God’s way of being an engineer. There’s man’s way of leading a team and there’s God’s way of leading a team. There’s man’s way of doing ministry and there’s God’s way of doing ministry.

There’s God’s way of doing it, and then there’s man’s way of doing it. Jesus directed Simon, and that made all the difference. God directed efforts yield phenomenon results. Man directed efforts can be frustrating. Following God’s direction makes a big difference.

Thinking of my own flops in 2015, I am persuaded to conclude that if I am going to do anything in 2016, it has got to be God directed. It is humbling when you see phenomenon results that have nothing to do with you.

Jesus took Simon to the pinnacle of his success. The dream of every Galilean fisherman was to fill his boat with fish. Then He showed Simon that there’s something more than fish, something more than his profession. There’s more to achieve. There’s greater fulfilment to connect with.

Let’s go for phenomenon results in every area of life in 2016 by letting God direct the affairs of our lives – business, career, investments, relationships, marriage, parenting, studies, occupation, ministry, whatever it is. Reap amazing results in 2016.

Lillian Chebosi


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