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Volume 06, Issue 02: Look Back to Move Forward

We can easily move from one project to another without pausing to reflect and give thanks. Look back and thank God.

We have just entered into a wide screen of 2016 with a small mirror of reflection to help us look back at 2015 and before. We don’t want to hang on to the victories of the past. We set our eyes on new successes for the new year. Even so, look back and be grateful. Looking back at the things God has done for us will propel us with gratefulness in 2016.

Looking back helps us remember. We don’t want to forget the benefits God has bestowed upon us. Gratitude requires an appreciation of the positive elements of your situation. Perhaps some things are not working well in your life, but there’s no point dwelling on the negatives. Focus on what God is doing and be thankful. In any set of circumstances, there’s something going for you for which you can be grateful.

Look back and thank God but forget the successes of the past. There’s more to set your eyes on in the new year, more to accomplish. A story is told a young man who used the jawbone of a donkey to kill one thousand philistines. When he finished the mission, Samson threw the jawbone away and moved on to his next conquests.

Although he had great victory with the jawbone, Samson realized it was the power of God that gave him success, not the jawbone. What jawbones do you need to throw away? They may have worked in 2015 but they are not the source of your success. Samson’s destiny was not to kill donkeys. His destiny was to kill the philistines. Because he threw away the jawbone, he fulfilled his destiny.

Discard the jawbones of 2015, those things that worked so successfully in 2015 that you thought that’s all God can do. God will give you new energy, new methods, new strategies, new successes in 2016.

Don’t be stuck with the first breakthrough. Sometimes we hang on too long to the successes of yesterday that we get trapped in one place. Success can become a prison when we convert it to a monument.

The new year is an open door of opportunity. Let not your testimonies be the same year in, year out. Look back to remember the goodness of the Lord but don’t dwell there. Look back to move forward. God is always doing a new thing. Don’t be stuck in the new things of yesterday and miss out on today’s opportunities.

Lillian Chebosi


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