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Volume 06, Issue 03: Look Ahead

A story is told of Mephibosheth who was born in royalty but circumstances in life dealt him a hard blow that moved him from state house to slum house, from plenty to poverty, and from healthy to crippled. His opinion of himself was that he is a dead dog.

Though he initially saw himself as a dead dog, Mephibosheth took a bold step and accepted the King David’s invitation to live with the King in Jerusalem.

When Mephibosheth started eating at the King’s table, his crippled feet were covered under the table. Don’t let your deficiencies keep you from moving forward. God’s grace is sufficient for us.

Mephibosheth’s feet were not healed, but they were covered. Don’t wait for your situation to change to move in faith to your destiny. The Lord never removes all the obstacles but his grace is sufficient. It may not be comfortable, but take a leap of faith and move to the palace.

Look ahead. Refuse to take no for an answer. See yourself as God sees you. Don’t settle for the successes of 2015. Reach out for the more that God has in store for you in 2016.

Lillian Chebosi


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