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Volume 06, Issue 04: Dare to Imagine

How do I look ahead if my targets for 2015 turned out to be a pipe dream? By changing the frequency of your thoughts and words. What are your thoughts chasing after, what are your words gathering to you?

It’s one thing to set goals for the New Year; it’s another thing to realize them. Have you ever wondered what makes some people successful and others not so successful? We limit ourselves by our limited thoughts. We talk of what we want to achieve for one moment, and then spend the next half hour talking about the happenings in life that are keeping us from getting there.

Your outer world is a result of your inner world. We sabotage our success by our own negative thoughts and words.

Jabez did not ask God for more property or greater wealth but to enlarge his intellectual territory, his mental capacity regarding his worth. He asked God to give him a greater capacity for conceiving what he might accomplish on God’s behalf. He prayed that God would give him a greater ability to think big.

Our thoughts determine our destiny. Think about your future regarding what you really want to accomplish and on behalf of whom. Think possibility thoughts. The possibilities in our lives change when our perspectives change.

We were made for more than ordinary lives. We were made to thrive. We have to see ourselves doing more, gaining more, and being more. To do this, we must think beyond where we are.

When I look around me, I see occurrences that are way beyond what I could possibly make happen. They exist because I called them forth with my thoughts and words. Understand that your feet will never take you where your mind has never been.

Like Jabez, we ask God to enlarge our capacity for thinking, to give us bigger thoughts, to see what other people cannot see and hear what other people cannot hear. It is God’s desire that we succeed and prosper. He designed us to create success and abundance in every sphere we influence.

God wants us to live a life of abundance. Abundance is not materialism or consumerism. It is the fact that it is God’s will for us to live without lack – to provide us with every possible thing to successfully fulfill our purpose and maximize our potential.

Your target for 2016, if you can see it in your mind first, you can achieve it. Deliberately envision your life with whatever you aspire to achieve. Fill your mind with great thoughts. Flood your atmosphere with possibility with every word you speak. Dare to imagine!  Dare to go in the direction of your dreams.

Lillian Chebosi


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