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Volume 06, Issue 09: Biggest Opportunities

We are always looking for opportunities to make life better. The best things in life are free, like watching the sunset, worshipping, exercising, laughter, etc. The doors of the best opportunities in life are wide open, and free for all to partake of.

1. A connection with God

People who know their God will do exploits. It is pursuing God and being connected with Him that’s the key to great success in life. God did not intend for us to be acquaintances with him. He is calling us to know him intimately. God cannot take us further than we want to go, He cannot take us deeper than we want to go. We are as close to God as we choose to be. An encounter with God is the best opportunity ever, and it’s in the offing for all.

2. Physical fitness

Exercise produces endorphins in the brain which make you feel good. Set a routine in your home that is hard to break. One of the most popular excuses we give is lack of time. One can always create time for exercise. God has given us long life but we are choosing a shorter life span by what we eat and lack of exercise. Some of us are tired, ill, and out of shape most of the time. When we say that we do not have time for physical fitness, what are our priorities? We need to pause and consider what we define as success. What really is success?

3. Laughter

Laughter strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, eases pain, improves complexion and makes you feel good about yourself. Laugh alone, and find time to laugh with others. We are always caught up in busy schedules, worries and cares of life that make us forget to watch the sunset, the beauty and miracles around. Put laughter on your to do list and look for occasions in the day to laugh.

4. Personal Development

Have an appetite to grow intellectually and in the things of God; to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Wisdom is knowledge applied to the situation at hand. Wisdom makes sense out of non-sense. Develop the opportunities you have been given. Develop yourself and allow yourself to be developed. Stir up the gifts that are within you. Don’t border on mediocrity. Become skilled in your work. Whatever you do, do it as though as soon as you finish, an angel is going to take it to heaven to present before God.

These are some of life’s biggest opportunities. Refuse to waste them.

Lillian Chebosi


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