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Volume 06, Issue 18: Living Content

It’s good to have dreams, and goals, and aim high. But life shouldn’t be put on hold until our dreams come to pass. While waiting for things to change, we should live content where we are.

Our attitude should be, ‘I am believing to get married, but in the meantime I am content being single’. ‘I am believing God for my dream house, but in the interim, I am happy with the house I have’. ‘I am believing for a promotion, but for the time being, I am content supporting others’.

Living content is not settling for less. It means we are not frustrated, but trusting God’s timing, believing he will get us where we need to be.

Living content is being happy where you are, with what you have. It means you are happy while in the mad house, and you are happy in your dream house. You are happy driving your old car just as you will be driving your new car.

Resolve to bloom where you are; to be grateful for where you are, for what you have. Train your mind to see the good in every season, and in every situation. If you are not content in the season you are in, even if you make it to the season of your dreams, you still won’t be satisfied. You may be satisfied for a little while, but discontentment will follow you wherever you go.

Discontentment follows us around. God blesses us with a promotion. We are happy for a little while then we find reasons to be unhappy. God blesses you with a big house. You soon discover that a big house comes with bigger expenses. If you are discontent, you will be unhappy paying higher utility bills and maintenance costs, missing to recognize that God provides grace for every season.

Be content in each season – when you don’t have enough, and when you have a lot. Content when your children are in diapers and content when they are in school. Content when in maintenance and content when in management.

Be satisfied where God has you right now. Yes, dream, but don’t wait to have it all to enjoy life. Bloom right where you are. I am content whether I am driving a 20 year old Volkswagen or a brand new elegance Mercedes Benz.

You can’t let contentment be based on what you have or don’t have. It’s a tragedy to go through life always dissatisfied, wishing you had more. Be content in the season you are in. God gives us grace for each season.

Whether you are in your dream house or the mad house, make up your mind to enjoy your life. Whether you are on the bus or driving your own car, enjoy your life. Don’t go through life wishing you had more. Real joy in life is in the little things. You don’t have to have a lot to have fun. Learn to enjoy the simple things in life.

Choose to be happy today – not when your children are out of the house, not when you’ve lost the extra weight, not when you seal that grand business deal, not when you change your address – move to your dream house; now. Don’t go through life always wanting something else. You could be in the best season of your life but miserable. These are the best days of our lives. Don’t miss it living discontent.

Don’t complain you don’t have enough – choose to blossom where you are, with what you have. Be content with where you are in life – your status, your position, your relationships, your possessions. Be content right where you are.

Make the decision to enjoy life right where you are. Enjoy the season you are in. Let your attitude be, ‘I am believing for a better house but in the meantime, am happy with the house I have'. 'I am believing for a new car, but in the meantime, I am happy with the car I have’.

Resolve to live content; to enjoy your life, and to be grateful for what you have. You may have 1,000 reasons to be unhappy but you have to make a choice to be content, to focus on what is going well in your life.

Living content is a choice. It has nothing to do with our circumstances. It means all your dreams haven’t come to pass, you are not where you want to be, but you are happy anyway. Be content when God blesses you with a lot and when God blesses you with a little. Content in the valley and content on the mountain top.

Lillian Chebosi





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