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Volume 06, Issue 19: Just Show Up

What do you do when it’s hard to keep your word to yourself? Sometimes you realize it’s easier said than done. That’s when its gets down to figuring out what you are made of.

It’s not always easy to keep up the fight. It’s not always easy to do the things we said we would do. These are the times when you have to decide to just show up.

When the mornings are extra cold, the last thing early birds like me want to do is jump out of bed to do the things we committed to do. We have to find ways to make ourselves show up.

When it’s hard, give yourself a little break but have the stamina to get back up on the race. You owe it to yourself to finish what you started.

Show up even when it’s hard. Keep showing up until it gets easy again. Just show up, and before you know it, you will take off again.

If you want more out of your life, keep showing up. If you want to develop yourself in order to develop others, you’ve got to do a little more, a lot more.

If you want your body to serve you well into your sunset years, you’ve got to put in the time and effort to keep it in shape.

If you want to grow your mind; if you want to go deeper with God; if you want to scale heights in your career; if you want to grow your business to stand tall in comparison to your competition; if you want to equip your children for greatness; whatever it is you are pursuing, you’ve got to put in the extra effort.

Show up if you want to leave your mark on this earth. Show up if you want to go beyond ordinary. Show up if you want to be counted among the great. Show up if you want to leave behind a legacy of something awesome.

I am a morning person. I find it easier doing things in the morning. This is the time of day when I am most alert, creative and energized. But it doesn’t mean I have it easy getting out of bed to get on with it. My system has no problem waking up, but sometimes it takes sheer will to get out of bed and do stuff when everybody else is still asleep. I just want to lie there, and if I do, I will no doubt drift back into sleep. During hard days like these, I have to find ways to make myself show up.

None of the great athletes we celebrate win their medals on the race day. They show up every day on the tracks and gym to prepare for the race day. They train hard and long day after day irrespective of the mood or weather. Why do we think it should be any different for the rest of us? Each of us was made to be a world champion at something, yet we settle for so much less.

It certainly takes no extra effort to get up just in time to run out, or get back in bed at the end of the day just after covering the basics. Most of us have busy days balancing work with supporting spouses and children, and running a household. This leaves us with very limited personal time. To engage in effective personal development – studying, meditating, exercising, thinking, reflecting, visualizing, preparing, etc., we have to look for extra time in our already full schedules. We have to determine to show up.

Lillian Chebosi





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