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Issue 06, Volume 23: Invest Your Time

We are always spending time doing something. When you spend your time, you are buying something with it. What are you buying with the time you spend doing this and that in your day?

What are you doing with the time you spend exercising? You are buying years. You are buying energy. You are buying vibrancy. You are buying the opportunity to be here a lot longer than you would if you didn’t do any exercise.

What are you doing with the time you spend studying and soaking in God’s presence? You are buying intimacy with God. You are buying confidence in the promises of God. You are buying the opportunity to experience the blessings of God. You are buying a rich and abundant life.

What are you doing with the time you spend reading? You are buying wisdom. You are buying intellectual growth and development. You are buying an expanded view of life. You are buying the opportunity to help others from a position of knowledge and understanding.

What are you doing with the time you spend with your children? You are buying a happy home with children growing up well-mannered and feeling loved. You are buying a close bond that will last for years. You are buying generational greatness.

What are you doing with the time you spend with your spouse? You are buying intimacy. You are buying a thriving relationship that will stand the tests of life. You are buying a strong bond of friendship that you can count on in hard times. You are buying a happy and functional home for your children.

On the other hand, what are you buying with the time you spend worrying, or feeling sorry for yourself? What are you buying with the time you spend gossiping or listening to gossip? What are you buying with the time you spend watching endless episodes of reality television or soaps? What are buying with the hours you spend on social media?

Take an inventory of your time. See if the activities you are spending most of your free time on are investments or divestments. Invest your time. Don’t waste it.

Lillian Chebosi



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