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Issue 06, Volume 25: Stay in Your Comfort Zone

There are so many stressors in life today. One of the things I have found helpful is staying in my comfort zone.

Stay in your comfort zone. It doesn’t mean you never do anything difficult. It does mean you recognize your limits and respect them. Stop trying to do stuff that you are not good at.

Stay where you are comfortable. Do things that are within your strength and comfort zone. Don’t think you have to compare yourself with somebody else. It creates so much stress when we think we have to do what everybody else is doing. No matter what somebody else is doing, if they like it they are going to think everybody should do it.

If you don’t stand up for yourself, you will spend your life doing stuff that you don’t like and feel bad because you are not good at it, when it’s not even what you are supposed to be doing.

Don’t do things that stress you out. Whatever you do, let it be that you do it from a position of rest. Be it raising your children, home making, doing ministry, your career, sports or exercise; do it from a position of rest. Don’t be pressured into doing exercise the way somebody else is doing it unless it suits you. Do what works for you.

We don’t get to do only the things we like to do, things that are easy for us. But we shouldn’t have a majority of what we have to do be things that we don’t like doing.

Spend your day in activities that strengthen you, things that make you feel good about yourself, things that draw out your juices. If you dread going home to cook every other evening, then maybe having someone else cook for you may release you to enjoy your life. If you dread going to the office every other morning, seriously consider rethinking your career. It should be something you are not only good at, but enjoy doing.

Lillian Chebosi





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