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Issue 06, Volume 26: Do it Early

Things don’t always go our way every day. A day that starts out beautifully may face some negative happenings. Make up your mind early that whatever comes your way, you will remain at peace. Set up your mind that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Decide ahead of time that no matter what comes in your day, you are equal to anything through Christ who infuses inner strength in you.

Make some decisions early in the morning. Prophecy your future. Call forth things that are not as though they are. Expect something good to happen to you and through you. Set your mind to enjoy your day early in the morning. “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad”. Decide ahead of time to enjoy your day and to live to please God.

Some people say they are not morning people, and that’s okay. But whenever you get up, (even if it is 1pm in the afternoon), that is your morning. Whenever you start your day, start it with God. We need to do some things on purpose, make some decisions early.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and they shall not faint!

Rise up early and seek God because he is your manna. Jesus is the bread of life that we need now. The Israelites got up early and collected their manna. That stuff came down early and you couldn’t wait for it to melt because you weren’t getting anything until the next day. They got up, got their jars and went out and collected it early.

Get your day started right by seeking God first. The Bible is full it. David rose up early and sought the Lord. Jacob rose up early and sought the Lord. Abraham rose up early and sought the Lord. David rose up early the day he slay Goliath. You are not going to kill your giants lying in bed, hitting the snooze button.

If this early thing is not important, if getting things right with God first thing you get up, whenever your morning is, is not important, then they wouldn’t say it all over the Bible.

Get the difficult stuff over with early. Abraham rose up early the morning God asked him to sacrifice his son.

Get up early in the morning and take care of the hard tasks, get them out of the way first. Don’t let some job that you have to do threaten you all day and make you dread the day. Different people dislike doing different tasks. If you dislike going to the market, get up and do it early and get over with it.

Jesus rose up early as was his habit and sought the Lord on the day he was arrested. He was so distressed over what he was going to endure he sweat blood. As he prayed, angels came and strengthened him. Jesus had asked his disciples to pray that they wouldn’t fall into temptation but they fell asleep. Peter denied Jesus 3 times that day.

Pray ahead of time that when temptation comes, you won’t fall into it. If food is a temptation for you, don’t wait until you’ve already eaten half a plate of cake or 3 plates of food at a go then pray. Pray about it all the time. Pray about it in the morning. If telling white lies is a temptation for you, don’t wait until you’ve told one then pray. Set you mind early in the morning by praying about it.

Set your mind right every morning and keep it set. Arm yourself with right thinking. Quit living by whim and feelings. Make up your mind to some stuff. Use your will to line it up with God. How can two walk together unless they be agreed? Get yourself in agreement with God.

Lillian Chebosi




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