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Volume 01 Issue 15: Setting Goals for Growth

We may still be refining our resolutions and work plans for achieving our goals for 2011. As you plan, be sure to set the standards that you will use to measure your progress as you go along; because only what gets measured gets done. If we do not measure how well we are doing against a set standard, anything will be good enough for us. We will risk settling for less than our best.

We set goals because we want to grow. We realize that we can be more than what we have become so far. It is commendable to want to grow, but we have to be committed to work it out. Personal growth takes discipline. We must discipline ourselves to do what we need to do every day to reach our potential.

A desire for self improvement begins with self discovery. I can attest to the fact that we do not remain quite what we were once we discover ourselves. We cease to be comfortable with the status quo. Our ignorance becomes clear to us and it pushes us to learn some more. Self discovery spurs within us a hunger for growth, a love for learning and application.

Once you decide what you want and the goals you want to achieve, recognize that growth is a process and stick with it. It isn’t something that you do a couple of times and then set aside. It is something that you determine to pursue continually.

We succeed only in what we give attention to. The secret of achieving our goals lies in our daily preoccupation. Isn’t it funny how at the beginning of the year we set a goal to go a certain direction but get preoccupied with actions that take us in a different direction? We can do things differently this time. What we do on a daily basis determines what we get out of life. The Bible warns that we reap what we sow. The honours is then to occupy ourselves with actions that are in line with we want to achieve.

We fear that we are not qualified enough; that we don’t have what it takes to succeed. God does not give us a passion for something without the means to do it. He not only gives us a dream but he also provides the resources to fulfill it. Take the initiative to grow in spite of your current state. Don’t wait to have it all together to start doing what you want to attain growth in. Start with the tools you have at hand and you will certainly find better tools as you go along. Don’t be intimidated by the progress of people who are miles ahead of you in their journey either. Acknowledge that most worthwhile accomplishments begin small.

Lillian Chebosi


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