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Volume 07, Issue 02: Make up Your Mind

I like the excitement of a new year, even more the beginning of a new season. This being a new season, it’s not business as usual. We’ve got to play the part.

Like every other new year, we want to do better. This new year it’s time to take flight. Don’t just make another set of new year resolutions; make up your mind to some stuff.

Don’t say you want to do something, do it for a few weeks and then quit, like you did last year, like you did the year before last. You say you want to spend more time with your family, get closer to God, get in shape, get a promotion at work, start your business, go back to school? Will you do what it takes to get what you want for a few weeks and then turn around and get distracted, eat like crap, lazy around, procrastinate, show up late at work day after day and do the bare minimum while there?

How long is it going to take to make the decision, to make the shift, and show some courage, show some character? Character is the ability to carry out a resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.

How long will you continue to live below who you were created to be? The greatest sin in life is to miss your mark, to not be who you were created to be. To be a chicken instead of an eagle. Don’t live and die a chicken when you were born an eagle.

Forget a new year resolution. Let’s make a new life resolution. To be fully and authentically you. Make up your mind to some stuff. Decide once and for all that eating right and keeping fit is your lifestyle. Set your mind and keep it set about aiming high in life. Kick timidity, mediocrity, laziness and procrastination out of your life for good.

Let’s step out of our comfort zones this new season. Fortune favours the bold. What do you really want? It is the cave that you fear that will hold the treasure that you desire. You have great opportunities in front of you right now. Don’t blow it.

It is time. It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric. It is time to go from being counted out to being counted on. It is time to fly like the eagle you are.

Lillian Chebosi



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