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Volume 07, Issue 07: Doing Life with God

What if we understood that God wants to be involved in every aspect of life? So many times we go through situations not knowing what to do, which way to go. We turn to people to help us figure out things. It honours God when we show total dependence on him, when we seek his guidance in the affairs of life. God wants to be involved in our day-to-day lives.

I am blown away by the close relationship David had with God. In many instances he would ask God what to do, how to do it, when to do it. That must have honoured God immensely; that David acknowledged that he knew nothing, could do nothing apart from God.

When Saul died, David didn’t just decide to go and grab the position he had been anointed for years ago. He asked God if he should return to his homeland. And when God said yes, David didn’t stop there; he asked God which city he should settle in. He could have just made a pick, move in to one of his favourite cities. But David had made up his mind to have God direct every step of his life. How amazing!

The Philistines attacked David after he was made King of all Israel. Though he had proved mighty in battle, he turned to God to find out if he should go fight the Philistines. Furthermore, he was also interested to know if God would help him defeat them. David smashed them to pieces, and later declared that God exploded on his enemies like a gush of water!

Later on, the Philistines attacked David again. David did not go by the previous knowledge, and victory. He went back to God to ask if he should go fight them again. God gave him a different set of instructions for this battle, and David did exactly what God told him and won the battle.

I suppose many of us would have gone ahead in our own judgement, going by previous experience. How about admitting that our understanding is limited and rely on God in every instance? Imagine what would have happened had David not gone back to God on this repeat occurrence, and possibly gone by the strategy that gave him victory the previous time, after all, it was God’s strategy.

I picture David as a man going through life conversing with God like you would a close friend walking besides you. Some of his Psalms are expressions of his heart to God from what is going on in his day. He doesn’t hide his emotions and feelings from God, he tells Him as it is, being real and bare. What a way to live out our relationship with God.

God wants to be involved in every part of our lives. I am learning to invite God into everything I do. He is there with me as I learn to play golf, helping me with it as I ask for his help. He helps me figure out when not to cook, when to cook, what to cook and get out great dishes in my kitchen. He is not bored when I am lost organizing laundry. He is there with me at the gym, helping me get a good workout. I talk to him about my planned trip to the market, invite him to go before and with me, help me get the best groceries at the best price. God is there to help me with both the difficult and easy tasks at work, with decisions. He wants to see me through meetings and reports, and all that comes with my day at work.

God is not interested in you only on Sunday morning when you go to Church, or the time you sit down to read the Bible and pray. He is interested in every aspect of your life and he wants to be involved in everything you do. Recognize that you can be in God’s presence every single moment of your day. You can depend on him for everything.

When we practice the presence of God, invite him into our tasks and activities, we are praying our way through the day. That is what it means when the Bible says to pray without ceasing. It’s not talking about us going into some quiet place to pray all day long, but converse with God through the mundane tasks of the day, inviting and involving him in what we are doing, acknowledging that we cannot succeed without him – therefore asking him to help us and guide us.

Looking at our lives in comparison with David's, we are miles apart in terms of the victory he walked in. The Bible records that God gave David victory wherever he marched. I am persuaded to think that one of the key reasons for our limited success is our limited dependence on God.

We want to be successful in every undertaking of our lives. I don’t know about you, but there’s no area of my life that needs to be run apart from God. I want to be in his presence with every breadth I take. I want to ask for his help, his guidance every step of the way.  I don’t want to do life any other way. May we fathom the courage and patience to practice God dependence. May we come up higher and do life with God.

Lillian Chebosi





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