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Volume 07, Issue 08: Appreciate God’s Provision

Today at Church I was inspired by a lot of the message, but most particularly a word on God’s provision in the wilderness. We have seen people make it through tough times, seasons of joblessness and lack. Maybe you can think of a season in your own life when things were tight. I remember a time like that of my own more than a decade ago. But we didn’t starve to death or something of sorts.

As the children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness from Egypt to the Promised Land, God fed them on manna, the food of angels. They had manna in the morning, manna in the noon time, and manna in the evening – Pastor Charles Obara.

As time passed by, the wilderness and the desert took its toll on them. They did what they did best, murmur and complain. They even got tired of the manna, detested the food of angels that God faithfully fed them on – Pastor Charles Obara. They craved other delicacies. God sent them quail, but after a while they complained about that too.

God sees us through our wilderness seasons. You may be out of a job at the moment, there’s no income yet there’s manna to see you through the wilderness – Pastor Charles Obara.

Don’t complain about your manna. It’s God’s mercies available to you, to keep you going until the promise – Pastor Charles Obara.

Your manna could be a meagre pay from a crappy job, or handouts from family and friends, a tiny house, the same wardrobe for what seems like ages, or a meal of something like ‘ugali’ and ‘sukuma wiki’ day-in, day-out. Granted, manna could get really boring, but imagine if you didn’t have it. You know you wouldn’t make it without it.

Do not despise God’s provision in your wilderness season. As the children of Israel complained, God sent venomous snakes which bit them, and many of them died. Then they realized they had sinned – Pastor Charles Obara.

That complaining generation of the children of Israel died in the wilderness. They did not make it to the Promised Land. They died, though not from hunger, because God’s provision never stopped, until the succeeding generation made it to the Promised Land.

Could you be keeping yourself from what you are believing for by your attitude? Are you murmuring and complaining yourself further away from your Promised Land? Appreciate God’s provision on your way to where you are going.

Lillian Chebosi





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