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Volume 07, Issue 09: Complain and Remain

The Israelites took 40 years to take an 11 day journey. It wasn’t their enemies that held them back. It was their attitudes, and one of them was complaining – Joyce Meyer. That complaining generation of the children of Israel died in the wilderness. They did not make it to the Promised Land. They died, though not from hunger, because manna never stopped, until the succeeding generation made it to the Promised Land.

We complain about the government not doing its work. We complain about taxes being too hefty. We complain about our bosses. We complain about our pastors not making church more entertaining for us. We complain about water shortage and power rationing in our neighborhoods. We complain about the high cost of living. We complain about the landlord raising rent unprecedentedly.

Don’t complain about your job when you trusted God for it for years. Don’t complain about the high bills that come with where you are in life when you believed God to promote you. Don’t complain about your children when you prayed hard to have them. Don’t complain about your spouse when you hardly ever pray for him or her.

Get a vision. Instead of complaining about high rent, get a vision to own your own house someday. Instead of complaining about high prices, get a vision to have more than enough for yourself and others, so you won’t be concerned by how much things cost. Instead of complaining about your children, get a vision to bring them up right so they turn out delightful to live with. Pray for them to be all God created them to be.

When you praise you are raised, when you complain you remain. A lot of people never get to where they are going because they never stop complaining about where they are – Joyce Meyer.

Are you stuck in the same stage for ages when you know that’s not all that God had in mind for you? Has a promotion been eluding you because of your attitude? Are you complaining about your house because you want a bigger one? Are you complaining about your husband never taking your family out to eat on the weekends like your neighbors? Thank God you have enough to put food on the table.

Don’t complain about your old car, because you could as well take the bus. Thank God for the privilege of having a car. If you take the bus, thank God for the blessing of having the means to pay bus fare, because some people have to walk long distances for not having enough to ride on a bus. If you walk for lack of cash, thank God for the opportunity to get some good exercise on your way to where you are going.

I never want to get over the point that the children of Israel took 40 years to take an 11 day trip. Imagine that! Could you be going round the same mountains over and over again because of your attitude? Are you murmuring and complaining yourself further and further away from your desired end - job, promotion, house, relationship, or whatever your dream is?

How are you responding to situations in your life? The more we complain about a situation, the longer we remain in it – Joyce Meyer. Choose progress. Stop complaining. Thank God for where you are and get a vision for where you want to be and run with it.

Lillian Chebosi





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