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Volume 07, Issue 12: Extend Kindness

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. Today I came across a Mother’s Day message that resonated with my heart and thought to share part of it to inspire all of us unto kindness, men and women alike. I realized that we always forget other mothers out there on a day like today. May we educate ourselves and not be guilty of this again.

Happy Mother’s Day to every mother that has chosen to love a child born by another woman, whether by choice or circumstantial – loving children not born of your womb, but your heart. Giving them a chance to love and be loved.

Happy Mother’s Day to every woman who has had to deal with loss of a child or a pregnancy. Even though your nest may still be empty, you are a mother too.

Happy Mother’s Day to every waiting woman. Every woman who has waited longingly for it to be their turn. Secretly dealing with the struggles of infertility, negative tests, empty wombs, empty hearts. Happy Mother’s Day because one day God may fill your heart, and your arms. In His time.

Some of such mothers don’t only have to deal with the pain of childlessness. They also have to put up with our negative energy, silent judgement and crushing comments. It is not their fault. No woman has the power to make a child. It is God who gives children. We must know that. Extend some loving kindness and treat them like mothers because they are mothers too.

Every one faces a struggle of sorts sometimes. Extend kindness because you don’t what someone may be going through. May your words bear healing for someone.

Lillian Chebosi



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