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Volume 07, Issue 13: Experience God in the Valley

One New Year’s Eve at church a lady was giving a testimony and she started by saying that God had been faithful to her that year. I found that quite odd because God is not faithful only sometimes. God is always faithful. Faithfulness is God’s nature, it’s not something He is on and off.

Just because you are facing a challenge doesn’t mean God has taken a break on his faithfulness. If you watch for it, you will experience God in the storm, let alone in everyday life situations – tough or easy. It was just yesterday when I caught God taking care of me when He sent a gracious cop to rescue me from the meanness of a bad cop in traffic.

See God’s faithfulness in the storm the same way you enjoy it on the mountaintop. If you are keen enough, you will catch God taking care of you every day, whether you are in the valley or on the mountaintop.

When you settle the matter of God’s faithfulness, you look out for a testimony in your season of testing. You know that no matter the trial, God will make a way for you. If you trust God, you will come out on the other side of the fire smelling like a rose, instead of smelling of smoke.

Life is a series of ups and downs. We are either in the valley or on the way to the mountaintop, on the mountaintop or on the way to the valley. When you know that God is faithful, you are not moved by the valley nor blinded by the mountaintop.

A friend of mine shared with me devotion I am sharing below from a You Version Bible devotion called Holy Emotions that expresses my point precisely. I couldn’t have said it any better.

God has not stopped being God because you are in the valley. He has not stopped being a God of goodness and kindness because you are either disappointed or have a broken heart.

We would all love to spend our lives on the top of a mountain. We would all love to vigorously breathe in that fresh mountain air and take in the magnificent view. You can see things on the mountaintop that you would never see from the valley. Things take on their rightful perspective from the mountaintop. You are literally on top of the world.  It's a place fit for a king/queen - making you the king/queen of the mountain!

None of us wants to invest in the valley of despair and disappointment. There is an extremely limited vision in the lower places and you are not able to see beyond the next grove of trees. Yet it is in the valley where vegetation grows and flowers bloom. There is no growth on the top of a mountain. You will only find rocks and boulders there. The top of a mountain is no place to put down roots - that happens in the valley below.

It is in the valley where the most magnificent growth of your life will happen, and it is there that the fruit of the Spirit will grow in lush abundance. In the valley where your heart was broken will be the place of your greatest harvest.

God wants our cups to run over not only when life is good and the view is spectacular; He wants our cups to run over in the valley of pain and in the desert of brokenness as well. God sets before you a table of blessing that will heal your broken heart and feed your hungry soul.

God wants us to be men and women who know that disappointment does not have the power to dis-appoint us. He wants you to be a person who snuggles into His presence during times of brokenness and despair. God wants you to be a believer who bears fruit even at the worst moment of life.

Rest assured, on the valley or the mountaintop, God is faithful! He will take care of you. He will turn your disappointments into re-appointments, your brokenness into wholeness, your lack into plenty, your sickness into health, your mourning into dancing, your sorrow into laughter, your thorns into roses. He is faithful!

Lillian Chebosi


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