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Volume 08, Issue 11; Addition or Submission

I recently watched something that made me understand why different Christians behave the way we do. We say we are believers, but in actual sense, most “believers” today add Jesus into their lives, rather than submit to Him.

We are living in times when being a Christian is the in thing. Most of our friends and family have God talk in their conversations, they go to Church, are good and loving. But very few of them have submitted to the Lordship of Jesus.

You can add God into your life the same way you add physical exercise in your weekly routine or vegetables on your plate. Submission to the walk of faith is a different thing all together. Submission to God is about surrender. Its letting your life be influenced and directed by what God says.

When you have added God into your life, you continue living the way you lived before, only with Christian terminology in your speech every now and then.

When you submit your life to God, you give up your old life and take up a whole new life as directed by God’s word.

A Christian by addition has no convictions. They don’t stand for what God stands for. A believer by submission has convictions that are grounded on the Word of God. They are not embarrassed by their faith in God, and they don’t feel the need to hide who they are, nor try to conform to what everyone else is saying or doing.

How about doing a small self-assessment right now? Are you a believer by addition or submission? Have you just added God into your life or have you submitted your life to God? Who is calling the shorts in your life?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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