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Volume 08, Issue 13: Necessary Arrangements

What changes on the inside when we pour out our hearts to God? At the beginning of the first chapter of the book of 1st Samuel, Hannah was sad and dejected, reduced to tears and had no appetite for the food set before her. Her husband tried to encourage her but she was still sad.

The story changed when she pulled herself together and went to pray. Crushed in soul, Hannah prayed to God and cried inconsolably, telling God exactly how she felt and what she wanted.

Hannah admitted to the priest who thought she was drunk that she was desperately unhappy and in pain, pouring out her heart to God. She also asked the man of God to think well of her and pray for her. Then she went her way and ate heartily, her face radiant.

Do you realize that nothing had changed for Hannah between the time she went to pray and the time she returned back to her family? How is it that she left sad and dejected, didn't feel like eating, was broken-hearted as she prayed, but when she was done praying, she was in high spirits?

No promise of a child had been given to Hannah when she prayed yet her countenance changed. Why did she become happy and rested all of a sudden? That is something that only heartfelt prayer can do for you. Your situation may not change, but time with God transforms desperation into hope. It leaves you feeling settled regardless of whether you ever get what you want or not. After pouring out her heart to God , Hannah went her way. Then she ate heartily, her face radiant.

The reason I wrote this article today is because of what I saw at the end of the passage. I read the Message translation of the Bible because it speaks my language. It said that when Elkanah's family returned home, Elkanah slept with his wife Hannah, and God began making the necessary arrangements in response to what she had asked. How about that? And before the year was out, Hannah had conceived and given birth to a son.

When we pray aright, we not only get settled, but God begins making the necessary arrangements in response to what we ask. I can't get over that phrase, I hope you get it too.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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