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Volume 08, Issue 19: Time With Him

What do you do with your time in God's presence? Is it a daily habit or something you do whenever you can get to it? It comes down to whether or not you are in on the secret of the power of that time. This article is about the time we dedicate to spend with God, but that's not to say it's the only time we engage with God in a day. But it does set in motion our engagement with Him throughout the day.

When we tell new believers to spend time with God, they are usually left wondering what to do. We then tell them to pray and read the Bible. So they try that but get stranded after some time. They may show up for prayer and be done with all they have to say in less than 3 minutes. This makes it a boring exercise or make them feel inadequate that some end up giving up on it all together.

Learning that our time with God is fluid frees us to enjoy that time. It becomes the highlight of our day and sets in motion our engagement with Him for the rest of the day. I think time with God is connecting with God in a way that honors Him and aligns with your unique personality. In my last article I promised to write what I do with my time in God's presence. Here are my 5 things that I do with that time;

1. I have a conversation with God. This is the best part. As an introvert, I keep to myself, don't talk much with people, but at this time I have plenty to say. I tell God what's on my heart and mind. Most times, it's just talk, I tell Him what I want to do that day, ask him to help me with those things. I present to Him the things that I need Him to guide me on, to tell me what to do. I tell Him the things that are making my heart glad at that moment and pour out my thanksgivings. I also mention people or things to Him that need His intervention. I also ask Him to pardon my messes. Sometimes this conversation is all about pouring out my heart to Him, rending my heart over something that has either saddened me or brought me great joy. At this time I generally do most of the talking, but when am still enough I hear what He has to say. It's never an audible voice but you know when He has spoken.

2.  I write morning pages. This is where I write down whatever is on my heart. Most times its a stream of thanksgivings on a thing or multiple things. Other times its a prayer request. I write down my prayer requests because I enjoy when I come back to write, "Lord you did it again! You came through for me, just like you always do". I like to keep these things on record to remind me of the Lord's wonders. I call the journals where I write these on "my walls of remembrance." Other times it's things that are at the fore of my heart at that moment, and all these remain private in my journals.

3. I read the Bible. It's more like study the Bible because I read and listen to portions of scripture and write down on my Bible study note book what has impressed my heart, what has stood out for me in the reading. Sometimes it translates into a praise session of expressing my awe of the Lord. Many revelations are birthed from these moments which I record and sometimes post on my website to share with those who would be interested. At this time I also do a daily devotional, sometimes two. They are called "Bible plans" in the YouVersion Bible App. Here I also write down or copy to my digital notes what I want to ponder over some more or make an article out of to share with people on my website. The plans vary from anywhere between 3 and 30 days. They are designed to help you explore biblical truth, reflect on it, and apply it to your life. Sometimes once I am done with a plan, I repeat it twice or thrice if I want the message to sink, to become my own.

4. I make declarations. This is where I command blessings into my day, call things that are not as though they are. I take a moment to speak life and pronounce blessings over my family and situations. I have these written down, so I read through, declaring out loud. I also have the same and much more voice recorded on my iPod, which I use when I go out for my morning walk.

5. I read a book or an article, or watch or listen to a teaching on DVD, or a video on YouTube. This is where I read or listen to something that will benefit my mind and future. I enjoy this a lot and carry it on into my day and evening every chance I get. Reading is a natural pass time for me. I am almost always happy to be alone to read or listen to something to learn new things and develop my mind.

That's my list. None of these things are magical but they are the things I choose to do at the start of my day, in order to begin my day in a way that brings me the most joy and fulfillment. It's my time, my quiet time. A time that consists of practices that energize and inspire me. I have created a routine that ensures my mornings are peaceful, nourishing and productive. I will post an article on my morning and evening routines at a later point.

So, what are yours? What are the things you do with your time with God?

I want to conclude with the words of Francis Frangipane of Charisma House. Redeem the Time. Those who would find God find time. Every minute you seek God is a minute enriched with new life and new power from God. Give yourself a minimum amount of time—an hour or two each day—but do not set a limit, as the Lord may draw you to seek Him on into the day or night. And continue day by day, and week by week, until you have drawn near enough to God that you can hear His voice, becoming confident that He is close enough to you to hear your whisper. God has given everyone enough time to seek Him. It is there.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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