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Volume 09, Issue 15: Relentlessly Kind

I liked to see kindness categorized into various components, it really drove the point home for me. The contents of this post is taken from a YouVersion Bible plan titled "Kindness Changes Everything" provided by the Convoy of Hope from Hal Donaldson's "Your Next 24 Hours" book. We will see that kindness isn't a series of gestures - it is a lifestyle. It can't be random or something we do occasionally - it is intentional. So, what does it mean to be relentlessly kind? Let's dig in and find out.

  • Be kind to yourself

In our quest to assist others, we must fist invest in ourselves. You won't be investing in anyone if you're chronically fatigued or emotionally spent. If you are unkind to yourself, you're probably sending the same message to others. Do you often compare yourself to others? Are you emotionally, physically or spiritually exhausted? When your kindness tank is depleted, find a way to get it filled up again. To live a kind life, we must be kind to ourselves first.

  • Be kind at home

No home is perfect, every family faces its share of ups and downs. But a home founded on love and kindness can weather any storm. The way we were raised affects how we view the world. If your family modeled kindness, you are likely to follow suit. If they didn't, you can train yourself.

God demonstrated history's most radical act of kindness when he sent his son to die on the cross for our sins. Are you living in a way that honors and continues that legacy of kindness? The harmony you foster today, or the hostility you allow could be your legacy for decades.

  • Be kind at work

Whether you're at the top of the corporate ladder or feel like you're at the bottom of the food chain, you can influence the culture of your work place. Many people spend more time at work than at home. Whether you spend time in a cubicle, house or fancy office, there's a circle of people with whom you regularly interact. Each day you have the power to influence someone: colleagues, supervisors or customers.

If you are living the dream, use your happiness as energy to demonstrate kindness at work. If you're unhappy in your current season, don't let that negativity affect your attitude and actions towards others. Remember, your vocation is merely a stage from which you can influence the lives of coworkers and the heart of the organization itself.

  • Be kind to your enemies

It's impossible to agree on everything. But just because disagreements arise, and some people don't like you doesn't mean you're to be unkind or contentious. We've all been hurt by someone we once trusted. During his last days, even Jesus was betrayed by a close ally.

What if we start demonstrating kindness to those who are against us? Though you can't protect yourself from getting hurt, you can control your response. Remember, with a little good fortune and a dose of understanding, your enemy could one day become your most trusted ally.

  • Be kind to people who are different from you

See people as opportunities to be kind. Look at those who are different as God's unique creations who are equally deserving of your love and respect. Each person on earth has been intricately knit by our creator. God knows, loves and pursues drug addicts, sex offenders and everyone in between. We should too.

That's easier said than done. But you don't have to agree with someone to love them. Jesus certainly didn't. In fact, he knew people were going to disagree with him and he choose to pursue them anyway. We ought to follow his example and be kind to people with whom we would normally argue with or simply ignore. Remember, tolerance is temporary and often forced. Love is never ending and freely given.

  • Be kind to the poor

The poor don't need you to pity them, as if you're in some way superior. Rather, you need to communicate from a place of friendship, humility and sincerity. The Bible clearly instructs us to help the least of these, but it's easy to become overwhelmed when we consider the insurmountable need. Though you might not have a lot of extra money or time to give, you can do something. Remember, kindness is not about taking a vow of poverty, its about making a commitment to generosity.

  • Be relentlessly kind

Occasional kindness has limited power but relentless kindness has the power to restore, inspire, rescue and unite. One of the best ways to show people God's love is by being kind. Kindness opens doors and bridges gaps. It repairs the broken and restores hope to the hopeless.

Kindness isn't a series of gestures - it's a lifestyle. Kindness can't be random - it has to be intentional. Kindness doesn't require much - yet it can change everything. Jesus demonstrated remarkable kindness in his final hours on the cross. Despite unimaginable pain and humiliation, he used his last moments on earth to bring another person into the kingdom.

If you try to be relentlessly kind on your own, you'll probably fail. But if you tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, he will enable you to extend kindness in greater ways than you ever imagined. With God's help, we can turn a moment of kindness into a movement, because relentless kindness is contagious.

This material has most certainly covered all matters kindness and exposed us to the different components of kindness that we may not have considered before. Starting with our pre-existing small and big acts of kindness, let's curve out the things we are going to do in the different categories we have explored to cement kindness as a lifestyle. We are going to be relentlessly kind all the way to eternity.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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