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Volume 09, Issue 19: Why Should We Rest?

Rest is one of God's priorities for us. EMS Hancock expounded on the importance of rest by reminding us that rest is Biblical. In the book of Exodus, God established rest as a command. Up there with "Do not kill", it is built into the order of creation. Therefore, we know that our Father God takes it seriously.

God designed us to need and take regular rest. He was specific about not working for one whole day a week and taking it as a holy or holi-day. But sadly, some of us just blatantly ignore him. We keep going, doing and being. As a result, we get grumpy, dopey and sneezy! (EMS Hancock).

While reflecting on this, I thought of my blender, one of kitchen gadgets I use frequently in my current interest in wholesome nutrition. Being the one of the most used kitchen gadgets in my household, I notice that unlike the cooker or oven, if we run the blender for more than 5 minutes at a time, it stops running, takes a pause. We sometimes find that frustrating when we are in a hurry to get smoothies into jars, but I wish I too had a pause button. The blender comes back on after a few minutes of down time and continues its magic as if it hadn't gone off just moments before.

When I first started using the blender, I feared it had broken down when it went off in the middle of processing, only to hear it raving on again moments later. Just like us, the blender was designed to pause after running for a set amount of time. We were designed to need to pause after working for a set period of time. And this pause is not just on the sabbath, but within the six days of work as well.

Unlike the blender that has an inbuilt pause button, we have to stop ourselves when it's time to take a pause. But many times I carry on exhausted to finish the task at hand. The blender doesn't care if the job is incomplete when it its time for a pause. It understands that for it to grind through the different ingredients thrown into it to the best consistency, it has to be at its optimum performance.

When I push through to complete a task before I can take a break, I take longer and even make mistakes I wouldn't make when operating at my best. The blender could opt to continue running at a slower pace, but it chooses the better option, to stop, then pick up the task later at its optimal speed. I need to learn from the blender. I would do both myself and my tasks justice if I decided to pause when I am exhausted rather than push through to the finish line in spite of my exhaustion.

Imagine what would happen if I did not only push myself from task to task, but also from week to week without a day off? God commanded that we rest on the Sabbath, then he blessed it. This means that he gave it credence, imbued it with majesty and made it special. When we avoid having a Sabbath, we miss out on that life-giving, healing blessing (EMS Hancock).

Our rest connects us back God. When we rest, we reconnect with our Father and thus makes us both strong and unshakeable. Rest isn't just a day off, but a day plugged into God himself. Matthew 11:28 "Come to me....I will give you rest." Here, Jesus is saying, "I am the source of rest. I am rest. Come to me and get it." A decent day of rest recharges you, makes you happy, healthy and helps your spirit function at its best (EMS Hancock).

So why should we rest? Because we were designed to need and take regular rest in order to function at our best. If I want to be my best self and do my best job tomorrow, I must know when I have done all I can and should for the day and take time to rest. I must also not do any work for one whole day a week to get fully recharged and stay connected to God, the source of my strength.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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