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Volume 09, Issue 22: He Is Interested

Today I was reminded of an article I posted last November titled, "Even In Little Things". I wrote about how God takes care of us even in little things, using occurrences in my life that week. Yesterday I woke up feeling really dizzy. I struggled through my morning routines but had to go back to bed an hour or so later, sacrificing my morning walk and gym workout.

After coming back from dropping the kids to school, my husband embarked on a mission to find out causes of dizziness and nausea. One of the many findings on google pointed to low blood sugar, so he fixed me a cup of coffee with sugar, something I usually don't take. I felt better after a little more rest and jumped out of bed to go to work, promising to pass by the hospital on my way.

Driving out, I quickly relegated passing by the hospital in order to focus my prime time on work. I had a lot to tackle at work that morning, which was to be followed by lots of grocery organization and meal prepping in the afternoon, something I ended up working on until 6pm. I really couldn't afford to be under the weather yesterday going by all that I had to tackle. I had brought in lots of fresh groceries from the market the morning before and my cleaning lady was coming in to clean and cut them for my further actions.

After being full of energy all day, tackling all my work, I had a lousy night and woke up dizzier and more sickly than yesterday. That got me thinking. I didn't make it to the hospital nor take any medication the day before. How is it that the dizziness completely eased off all day after that morning coffee? I went to the hospital early today and got started on medication but am still feeling under weather several hours later. This tells me something. God was at work all the way from Thursday morning and before.

If the Friday morning dizziness had occurred the morning before, I wouldn't have made it to the market for my bi-monthly grocery shopping. My Father knew it was important for me to be in my whole state to manage a market errand on Thursday morning and ensured the dizziness stayed away until the next day. He knew I needed to be well and energetic to tackle lots of work all of Friday. I certainly didn't have the luxury to be unwell earlier in the week as I had a lot to juggle at the office all week.

Today was the day I could afford handling being under the weather as I didn't have any kind of work to attend to. This morning I was so dizzy I struggled to get dressed, and I certainly couldn't consider driving myself two minutes away to the hospital. It was that bad. On the way to the hospital, I prayed for an accurate diagnosis and prognosis, and I found the perfect doctor for my situation.

I see the hand of God written all over these occurrences. He took care of me. He took care of what was important to me this week even if they would be considered trivial matters by even myself. He made sure the doctor on call at my arrival at the hospital today understood what was going on, and was keen enough to run several tests to verify the condition. It never ceases to amaze me how interested God is in the big and small affairs of my life. We have an amazing Father who is interested in doing life with us.

God is interested in you. He is interested in the things that are important to you, big and small alike. I am wowed to see that God is interested even in our schedules and plans. He is interested in our coming and going. Your needs may be different from mine. It's important to me to do things when I plan to do them. Being under the weather before today would have been a real bummer for me. I needed God to make the sickness stay off until today. You could be more flexible with your schedule. Whatever our orientation, God embraces our different desires and helps us out with our needs.

For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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