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Volume 09, Issue 24: Reality Check

The last few weeks I have struggled with staying on top of things amidst a very demanding work schedule. Instead of slowing down on my personal development activities, I determined to get things moving as much as I could. It got me thinking about the power of intention, but also the importance of admitting the setback.

What do you do when you are met with a setback in your tracks? Do you push through or call it quits until your situation changes? I have found that I don't easily admit defeat even when I should. I went back to the hospital this week after continuing to experience heavy headedness and dizziness especially in the morning and after a long stretch of work in the evening. The tests revealed no traces of infection, so there's nothing to treat. This is very disturbing for someone who hardly ever gets sick.

Despite the setback, I still want go out for my morning walk and to the gym. Yesterday I thought I would probably be better off putting my routines on hold until I get better, but I doubt I can bring myself to do that. Despite the heavy workload, I still determine to find ways to make up for my dwindling lunch break for relaxing, reading and writing. I want to still deliver quality results at work and in my personal life. I don't want to come to the end of the year with excuses for not keeping the commitments I made to myself.

I should probably find ways to slow down if my problem is burn out. My next break is coming up in a couple of weeks. Until then, I am being a lot more lenient on myself where possible. Most days this week I have settled for half my walk and left out gym workout altogether, and I am also sharing my chores with my family members and cleaning lady.

Have you experienced any setbacks this year? How are you dealing with your setbacks? Whatever your approach, my take is that two things are essential. First, admit the setback and be kind to yourself. Secondly, don't call it quits on your goals, remain true to your actions plans in whatever shape or form you can.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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