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Volume 09, Issue 26: Second Half with a Bang!

It dawned on me today that it's half time. We are on the verge of starting the second half of the year, and what an opportunity this presents us to reset the clock and get ourselves on the way, and/or back on the way to a strong finish of each of our 2019 races.

If you are like me, with a few setbacks here and there and bit of sluggishness and distractions, you have dropped a few balls along the way thus far. Today it dawned on me that those dropped balls don't have to remain on the sidelines, and I don't have to remain unintentional about getting them back in the game. They can still make their way into the net.

I want to finish strong, finish what I started when the year began. Just like you, as the first half flipped through, I maintained a good balance of a majority of my balls, but a few balls rolled off the pitch. I need to grab a hold of my stray balls and get back the power of intention going for those as well.

I am reminded of the story of the lost sheep, how the good shepherd left the 99 to go after the 1 that had strayed away from the flock. Looking at your goals as your "100" sheep, how many "ones" have strayed off that you need to bring back to the fold so that you can finish strong? Going after the "one" doesn't jeopardize the "ninety nine" because you have formed strong habits around those to keep them in line.

I got sloppy about showing up on time and keeping time. I got sluggish about being intentional about a few things. This second half gives me an opportunity to reset the clock and get back in line. Which balls have you dropped along the way during the first half of 2019? Where have you been sluggish? What do you need to get a better hold of? Which balls need your refined focus and attention?

What better time to reset the clock than now. Let's grab this opportunity and give our new year reflections and intentions a strong finish. When the curtains fall, we don't want to be part of the statistics of those who didn't finish what they started. We don't want any of ours to be yet another unaccomplished goal when the year draws to a close. Let's get our stray balls back in the game and finish strong.

Perhaps your first half has been so floppy that you are on the verge of giving up hope of ever achieving your goals this year. The game is not over until the final whistle is blown. I have watched many movies of matches where a strong team makes a mess of the first half of the game. The matches I enjoy watching most are the ones where the coach challenges his team to show what they are made of and turn tables around in the second half. You have a chance to make good your intentions for 2019. The time is now, grab a hold of your second half and turn tables around for the final scores.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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