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Volume 09, Issue 28: Keep The Connection

We sometimes go through dry spells that pose a threat to maintaining our connection with God. Other times we have so much going on we feel we don't have time to spend with Him. But a day started without God isn't a day I want to have very often. I may not be smart enough in such a day to curve out a sit down moment in God's presence but I wouldn't dare go very far in my day without making a connection with my Way Maker.

Years ago I was involved in a road accident for reasons other than overspending. Because of it, I couldn't get home until much later after dealing with all the mess. Now whenever I find myself driving in a hurry, I often remind myself of how it would be wonderful for me to get to where I am going, and that I won't enjoy that if I mess it up by an accident. Similarly, I see the futility of rushing through the motions without slowing down to connect with God.

One of the things I cherish every day is the knowledge that I get to go home at the end of the day. I don't have many hard days but we all have our moments. Irrespective of how hard a day can be, or how much work I may have to plough through, I take comfort in the simple fact that I get to go home in evening. In the same way, we should take comfort in knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

God is there for us, but we won't experience the fullness of the abundant life He has to offer if we don't make the effort to connect with Him. Sometimes all it takes is going through your quiet time program until you feel your engines raving again. Keep bringing the firewood. He is the one to light the fire.

I have an elaborate daily quiet time program but even that can boil down to nothing during a dry spell. But I determine to show up for quiet time even if it's just to mindlessly read the Bible. When you know that time with Him is the key to your success and well being, you stick with the program. When you know He is your manna, you keep showing up to get your fix for the day. You keep coming even if all you can come up with is, "God, thank you for today."

All we need to keep the connection alive is to have a conversation with Him. We get concerned when we find ourselves drifting from having a lot to say to drying up inside. But not all conversations are the same - some are short while others are lengthy. Some are intense while others are casual. Don't hold back when you don't have much to say or can't hear Him. Just show up and honour Him with your time. Keep the connection.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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