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Volume 09, Issue 30: Set Your Mind And Keep It Set

One of the things I am grateful to have learnt early in the day but keep working on day by day is setting my mind about fundamental things and keeping it set. If we don't set our minds, we live by how we feel - we are swayed too and fro by our feelings. I decided I didn't want to live like that anymore.

Before I came around setting up my mind, I struggled with relying on my will power to do the things I wanted to do. For instance, for years I was determined to wake up early every other day for quiet time, but half the time I couldn't get myself out of bed before it was crush time with so much completing for my attention. Many mornings I was well rested but stayed in bed because I felt like it.

Just because I feel like staying in bed after my wake up call doesn't mean I should stay in bed. I was captive to my feelings. My breakthrough came when I learnt about setting my mind and keeping it set. Those few words hit my brain with such intensity there was no turning back. I finally found the secret to win in my personal life. I went on to list my fundamentals and set my mind about what I was going to do about them.

You see, decisions are very hard to manipulate. Once our minds are made about something, we become unstoppable. Before that decisive moment, I was relying on my will power to pull things off. But the moment I made up my mind about that stuff and got in agreement with God, there was no stoping me.

Set your mind and keep it set. You will struggle with keeping it set like I do, but the fact that you have set your mind about it makes all the difference. Setting your mind gives you a benchmark to live by. It becomes your mantra, and you can't be comfortable going against your mantra often.

So why do you need to set your mind about certain things? Because like me, you are too old to live by whim and feelings anymore. We are what we do repeatedly. The truth is, we are not as smart, and we are not as strong as we think we are. What makes us stand out are the things to set our minds on doing and doing them repeatedly.

Set your mind about enjoying your life. Set your mind about spending time with God. Set your mind about what you feed your body and how you keep it fit. Set your mind about how you spend your time at work and how you spend your money. Set your mind about spending time with your family and resting. Set your mind about quickly forgiving people and keeping your peace. The list is endless but limited to your priorities.

If we don't set our minds about fundamental things and stay disciplined about keeping our minds set, we find that years go by and we still haven't gotten a strong handle on the important things in life. Have the basics covered by setting your mind in advance. Don't allow indecision to stay between you and your success any longer. Make up your mind already.

Set your mind right every morning and keep it set. Arm yourself with right thinking. Quit living by whim and feelings anymore. Make up your mind to some stuff. Use your will to line it up with God. "How can two walk together unless they be agreed?" Get yourself in agreement with God.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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