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Volume 09, Issue 32: Seeking God Through Fasting (Part II)

Preparation for fasting

Jamie's plan was all about fasting and loving it. It's teaching us how to fast and pray with joy, power and miraculous results. She says that we can live a lifestyle of fasting and prayer, and it can be easy! This girl speaks my language. Let's see what Jamie had to say on preparation for fasting.

For our fast to be victorious, we need to prepare for it several days in advance. Here is how you prepare:

1. Pray about your fast through the day for several days before you start

Ask God to give you the desire to fast, so that fasting will be easy. Pray also that God would give you so much hunger and passion for Him that your desire for food pales in comparison to your desire for Him. Ask Him to keep your body strong and steady during the fast. Ask Him to keep your mood steady; your insulin and glucose stable; and your stomach calm.

If we dwell in the secret place of the Most High, God's word promises to keep us stable and steady - Psalms 91:1

2. Write down your prayer list

Decide why you are fasting in advance, and write down a list that you will pray over repeatedly during your fast. For example:

  • Are you fasting to draw closer to Jesus?
  • Are you fasting because you sense God wants to do something new in your life, and you are drawing closer to Him and asking Him to do it?
  • Are you fasting for breakthrough in your own life or someone else's regarding a particular situation?

No matter why you are fasting or what you need, write down your prayer list. Use that list to inspire you to stay on your fast. Keeping a list will also help you notice God's answers. Write down a list of your biggest needs, then pray through the list each day.

3. Schedule time to pray and read the Bible during your fast

Fasting without prayer equals a really miserable form of dieting. Nobody has time for that! Be sure to set aside time in your schedule in advance so that you can pray and spend time alone with the Lord every day during your fast.

4. Prepare your body practically

First, drink lots of water. Drinking water while you fast will curb your hunger and will help you feel full. It will also cleanse your body and help eliminate the headaches that can occur when people fast.

Secondly, pare down your eating for a few days before your fast. If you eat fewer or no sugary snack foods or high-calorie meals for a few days before your fast begins, your body will have an easier time adjusting to your fasting regimen.

Then begin the fast after 2-4 days of preparation time. Next, we will delve into what to do during a fast.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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