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Volume 09, Issue 33: Seeking God Through Fasting (Part III)

Seek God First

Having seen how to prepare for a fast, let's now consider what we should do when fasting. Jamie reiterated that the main to-do list during a fast is seeking God first. The Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If we do that, God will give us everything else we need. We should remember and obey this command all the time, but especially while we are fasting.

Here is the thing, if you forget to seek God first while you're fasting, what good does your fasting do? Without seeking God, your fasting becomes deprivation at best and starvation at worst.

Fasting is only fun, fruitful, and even easy if you are so consumed with God that food loses it's importance! So be sure to seek God first during your fast. So, how do we seek God during a fast? Here's how;

1. Spend time alone with Him at the very beginning of every day.

Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer and get first of all in harmony with Him. This is a tangible way to put Him first. When you seek Him first, the rest of the day just flows. Things work, and there's order and calmness even in midst of chaos. God will make it worth your while if you will seek Him first each day.

2. Keep a journal, and write down what God does and what He says to you.

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. So, as you walk through your fast, keep your eyes out for God's hand at work in your life. When you see Him move, write down what He does and says. Doing so creates a memorial of thanksgiving to Him.

3. Maintain a high level of expectation every day of your fast.

Psalm 23 says that the Lord's goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. In other words, every day - and certainly everyday while you are fasting - you can expect something good to happen. In my experience, you get what you expect. As Jesus said over and over in the Gospels, "According to your faith be it unto you." Expect breakthrough every single day of your fast.

As you purposefully seek God during your fast, the enemy may toss darts at you. However, you can defeat him easily as you learn to recognize those darts. Next, we will talk about how to recognize and overcome them. Seeking God first during your fast is the best protection from the enemy's darts you could ever have.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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