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Volume 09, Issue 37: Goals Can Become Magnets

Goals are the driving force for achievement. They pull us in the direction of achieving what we want. Listening to one of Jim Rohn's podcast the other day reminded me of the importance of setting goals. Opportunities for advancement are missed in tthe absence of a strong goal. The stronger the goal, the higher the purpose, the more powerful the objective, the stronger is the magnet that pulls you in that direction.

Jim Rohn said that your goals and objectives not only pull you in the direction of their achievement, they also pull you through all kinds of down days and difficult times. Some people get lost in the confusion of the day simply because their goal is not bright enough to pull them through.

Its goals that drive us to take advantage of the spring - the good times. Your economic spring could be your current well paying job or thriving business. A strong goal to own a home debt free in the next 5 years would drive you to save and invest a big chunk of your current earnings in order to realize that dream. In the absence of such a goal, you would probably misuse your good fortune and end up without home ownership at the end of the season.

Rohn advised that in goal setting, start looking into the future - what you would like to accomplish, where you would like to go, who you would like to be. And see if you can get a better picture of the finished objective, see yourself there, see yourself in possession of your dream. He advised to decide what you want, and then act as if you already have it. The reason we can act thinking it's already ours is because not only can we vision the end result, we can also vision the beginning of making it real.

Just because you didn't start well doesn't mean you can't finish strong, says Rohn. Human beings are the only life form on earth that have the incredible capacity to change the course of their lives. No other life form can do that. Every other life form except humans seems to operate simply by instinct or genetic code. Human beings can alter the course of their lives. A man can live one way for 5 years, tear up that script and live a totally different way the next five years.

You don't have to do the second five years the way you did the first five. You can use all the information and all the advise you have received, repair all your mistakes and adopt a new and refined philosophy so that the next 5 years can be totally different from the last five. You can greatly alter the course of your life.

I like how Rohn put it. He said, five years from now you will arrive. The question is, where? If you keep up your present disciplines and keep up the present pace that you are on, where would you be in 5 years? In five years, here's the probability. You will either arrive at a well designed destination or an undersigned destination.

Five years from now, you really don't want to arrive at an undersigned destination. Because you may very well end up looking the way you don't want to look, living where you don't want to live, maybe doing what you don't want to do. Simply because you didn't design a better destination.

I concur with Rohn that upfront decisions are easy. It's certainly easier to start exercising before you become overweight than start after the weight has caught up with you. Sometimes after we have lived a certain way for a few years, to repair our mistakes and get back on track may seem like a tough job. If you have messed up your health for 10 years, it takes more than 10 days to get it back. If you start early, the fortune belongs to you. If you start early, the promise looms large and the odds are heavy in your favour.

Yes, it's possible to do some radical things starting late and still arrive with some good treasures, but it's better to start early. We have the time over the next 10, 20, 30 years to make some repairs now in our errors of the past and set up some new disciplines. That's going to change everything, says Rohn.

Five years from now, I wish for you to arrive at a well designed place. A place of productivity. A place that will make you feel good about yourself. A place that will give you honor and respect. A place that will give influence over many more people than you have today.

Where will you be in 5 years? We go the direction we face. And we face the direction we design. Direction determines destination. Destination is not determined by hope, it's not determined by wish. Destination is determined by direction.

You cannot change destination overnight. Which means you can't arrive at a 5 years from now place tomorrow. Here is what you can change today and overnight. You can change direction. It's so fascinating what a little small change of direction would do. A few decisions in discipline, a few decisions in learning, a few decisions in change of behavior, change of habit, a few decisions in setting goals that you sort of let drift away. Take that small journey to a new direction. The key is just to start. Set those goals and they will pull you towards their achievements as you constantly ponder over them and take the necessary actions.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi


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