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Volume 09, Issue 46: Unperturbed

I concluded the "Trust the Process" article by urging us to not let the opposition distract us from our agenda. I wanted to follow up that article with something I was gleaning from the story of Daniel at the time, but I have been so busy to write until now.

I have always enjoyed the story of Daniel, but it has never come to life for me like it did the last few weeks during my people struggles at work. I believe that God sometimes allows people to come into our spaces who are downright hostile, hellbent on uprooting us. This is not new to our time, there are examples in the Word of God to encourage us when chaos rock our boats.

Daniel faced severe hardships on the job. He had a boss who was a violent narcissist and his coworkers were actively trying to undermine him and get rid of him. But Daniel did not retaliate or stoop to the political machinations of his coworkers. Instead, Daniel went about his job like normal. He went on just as he had always done before, did his job and went into his room and prayed - giving thanks to God and asking for God's help - Tim Keller, from his Theology of Work Project.

Inspite of his opposition, Daniel served his boss faithfully. He did not let the chaos around him get to him or distract him from his assignments, he went on as though no one was going against him. It may be chaotic around you right now, but as long as you still have a job to do, don't waste time trying to figure out your opposition or murmuring or retaliating. Rather, fight back by tuning them out and doing your job the best way you know how.

As long as we live on this side of eternity, there will always be trials. But God has promised to deliver us from all of them. Daniel's prayers didn't keep him from having to go through trials. He still got thrown into the Lion's den. But God used Daniel's ordeal for good. Thanks to Daniel's faithfulness in the face of opposition, the pagan king ended up praising Daniel's God. And in the end, Daniel prospered in Persia, despite the people problems that plagued his work environment - Tim Keller.

Just like Daniel, we can be unperturbed in the face of workplace strife. We can actually thrive in it. Daniel did his job: showing up, praying, thanking God, and asking for God's help. God did the rest of the work, taking care of Daniel and prospering him in his workplace. So don't let your opposition distract you from your agenda. Resist the urge to retaliate or to stoop to their level. Instead, keep doing your job the best you can and maintain a thankful attitude.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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